Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Provisions of Islamic Law On sale Buy, Riba, and Economic Cooperation

Provisions of Islamic Law On sale Buy, Riba, and Economic Cooperation
A. sale
1. Pillars sale
a. Sellers and buyers
Terms of sellers and buyers, among others:
1. Akil (rational sehatr)
2. Baliq (adult)
3. Its sole
2. Items for sale or purchase
a. Objects that are sold or purchased in a state of purity, while the carcass may not be sold
b. There are benefits
c. Items may be submitted, not legally sell the goods can not be delivered to the buyer, such as fish in the sea and the birds in the air
d. Goods belonging sipenjual is represented or working on it.
3. Consent granted is a statement of the seller as I sell this item at a price so, kabul is saying buy as I bought this item at a price so.
B. Laws sale
- Permissible (allowed)
- Mandatory
- Haram, such as selling items to be used for immoral acts
- Sunnah
C. Buying and selling unauthorized by pillars or condition
a. Sell ​​males semen
b. Sell ​​a newly purchased item, before the goods are received
c. Selling fruit picked or harvested prematurely to worry about broken and decayed
D. Buying and selling valid but illicit
a. Buying goods at higher prices than the market price in order that others can not buy it
b. Buying goods purchased sedah ​​others, but still in the Khiar (opt)

Management of Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste (B3)

Understanding B3
According to the PP. 18 of 1999, is a B3 waste is the residue of a business and or activities that contain hazardous or toxic and because of the nature and amount or concentration and or, directly or indirectly, can pollute and corrupt the environment or endanger life and or environment, health, human survival and other living things.
The point is that as the concentration of any material and or the nature or amount and containing B3 and harm human beings and the environment, regardless of the rest of the ingredients.
B3 waste management objectives
B3 management objective is to prevent and control pollution or environmental damage caused by waste B3 and the restoration of environmental quality that has been contaminated so according to function again.
From this it is clear that any activity / activities related to B3, both producing, collecting, transporting, utilizing, treating and landfilling B3, should pay attention to aspects of the environment and maintain the quality of the environment remains in its original state. And in the event of pollution caused by spilled, runoff and seepage B3 waste, efforts should be made so that optimal environmental quality back to the original function.
Identification B3
Identifying B3 classified into two (2) categories:
1. By source
2. Based on the characteristics
Class of B3 waste by source is divided into:
• B3 waste from specific sources;
• B3 waste from non-specific sources;
• B3 waste from expired chemicals, spills, former packaging and waste products that do not meet specifications.
While the class B3 waste is determined by the characteristics of:
• is explosive;
• oxidizing;
• very easy to burn;
• highly flammable;
• flammable;
• extremely toxic;
• highly toxic;
• toxic;
• dangerous;
• corrosive;
• irritation;
• berbahayabagi environment;
• carcinogenic;
• teratogenic;
• mutagenic.
Characteristics B3 is undergoing accretion more than PP. 18 of 1999 which only includes six (6) criteria:
• is explosive;
• flammable;
• reactive;
• toxic;
• cause infection;
• corrosive.
Improved characteristics of a material called B3 shows that the government is actually paying special attention to environmental management in Indonesia. Just really need to be a concern that the implementation of the Regulation is lacking in this country.
Waste management and B3
B3 waste management activities include the collection, transportation, use, processing and stockpiling.
Every B3 waste management activities must obtain permission from the Ministry of Environment (MoE) and every stage of the B3 waste management activities must be reported to the Ministry of Environment. For the B3 waste management activities in the region, in addition to management of activity reported to the Ministry of the Environment is also copied to the local Bapedalda.
B3 waste treatment refers to the Decree of the Head of Environmental Impact Management Agency (Bapedal) Number Kep-03/BAPEDAL/09/1995 dated 5 September 1995 on Technical Requirements for Hazardous Waste and Toxic
B3 waste must meet the following requirements:
• What processing
Processing can be done in the B3 waste generator site or off-site waste generators. Terms of processing locations in the producing area should:
1. flood-free areas;
2. with a minimum distance of 50 meters of public facilities;
Terms of processing locations outside of area producers must:
1. flood-free areas;
2. distance to the main road / highway minimum 150 m or 50 m for the other;
3. distance from the active region and the general activity of a minimum of 300 m;
4. distance from the well waters and a minimum of 300 m;
5. and distance to protected areas (such as: nature reserves, forest reserves) a minimum of 300 m.
• processing facilities
Processing facilities must implement operating systems, including:
1. facility security systems;
2. prevention system against fire;
3. prevention system against fire;
4. emergency response system;
5. system testing equipment;
6. and employee training.
The entire system must be integrated and become an integral part of the B3 waste considering the type of waste is the waste handled in a small volume of any major impact on the environment.
• B3 waste handling before processing
Each B3 waste must be identified and tested in the content analysis in order to determine the appropriate procedures in the processing of waste. After tests conducted content analysis, then determined the appropriate method of waste treatment in accordance with the characteristics and content of the waste.
• B3 waste treatment
Type B3 waste treatment depends of the characteristics and content of the waste. B3 waste treatment for the processing can be done with the following process:
1. chemical process, include: redox, electrolysis, neutralization, precipitation, stabilization, adsorption, ion exchange and pyrolysis.
2. physical processes, including: cleaning gas and liquid separation allowance components specific to the method of crystallization, dialysis, reverse osmosis, etc..
3. process stabilisas / solidification, in order to reduce potential toxicity and B3 content by limiting solubility, distribution, and toxicity of waste disposed before the end of the dump
4. incineration process, by means of burning waste material using a special incinerator with a combustion efficiency should reach 99.99% or more. That is, if a B3 waste material to burn (incineration) with a weight of 100 kg, the ash residue shall not exceed 0.01 kg or 10 g
Not the whole process should be done on one type B3, but the process chosen based on best way to do processing according to the type and material waste.
• The B3 waste treatment
It has a special place B3 waste disposal that has been processed and monitoring of landfills in the area for a period of 30 years after the landfill out of service or closed.
Keep in mind that the whole process of management, including generating B3 waste must report its activities to the Ministry of Environment with the quarterly periods (every 3 months).

Endogenous Labor

Endogenous Power can also be referred to as tectonic energy, which comes from the earth. Endogenous Power is forming a new structure to the earth's surface. Endogenous labor, consisting of
1. Process Diastropisme
2. Process folds
3. Process Fault
4. Volcanism
4.1 The term-term volcanism:
4.2 Symptoms Volcanism
1. Diastropisme process is the process that resulted strutual folds and faults regardless of magma but the power of the earth.
2. The occurrence of folds:
If the force that suppresses endogenous lithospheric horizontal direction and lie on the surface resulting in the formation of the peak boom folding and lembah.Bentuk menybabkan earth's surface from the results of this process there are two, namely:
peak folds (anticline) and valley folds (syncline)
3. The process of fracture:
The process can also menyababkan truktur diastropisme-Lapian rock layers cracked and broken. Lapiasan rock fragments undergo anyone experienced degradation that form the valley was uplifted fault and fracture peaks form. Valley or graben fault called slenk while peak named horst fault.
4. The process of formation of volcanism.
 Power tectonic vulaknisme can lead to symptoms. Symptoms of volcanism associated with the release of magma in volcanoes aktivtas.
 The process of release of magma to the Earth's surface are called volcanic eruption.
 The process of volcanism is due to magma coming out of the collision zone antarlampang.
 Some gunugapi found to be in the middle of the plate that disebsbkan by blockage symptoms of heat in Earth's crust are called hot spots (hotspots).
 The scientists suspect aliaran magma pushes out the crust and melutus burn on the surface.
The term-term volcanism:
 Volcanology: Volcanic geology that memplajari
 Magma: incandescent molten silicate material consisting of solids, liquids, and gases contained in the layers of the earth lithosphere. Normal temperature ranges magma 900 C-1200 C
 eruption: magma discharge process of lithospheric layer to the surface of the earth. Eruption of a volcano in the form of molten dapdt (effusive) through cracks in the rock layers. And the explosion sumburan (ekaplosif) through lava or volcanic funnel.
 magma intrusion: the incursion of magma through cracks in rock layers, but not up to the earth's surface. If the intrusion of magma solidifies it will form a rock intrusiva.
 Lava: Magama that came up to the surface of the earth.
 Lava: lava that has been mixed with the materials on the surface bumu.
 Eflata / pyroclastic materials: the materials separated from the volcano during an explosive eruption.
 Crater: a hole in the body as a place to escape volcanic magma. Sizable crater called Caldera. When caldera filled with enough water will mak formed volcanic crater lake or lakes. Crater and caldera in Indonesia, among others Crater Takubanperahu (West Java), Tengger crater (Central Java), and Caldera Mount Batur (Bali).
Pravulkanik are the signs or symptoms in an area of ​​volcanic eruption will occur.
The signs of impending volcanic eruption are:
 Increase in air temperature around the volcano dramatically (from low temperature suddenly rises so hot)
 Many arid plants and animals down from the mountains.
 Increased sulfur smell that stung
Pascavulkanik (postvulcanic)
Pascavulkanik are symptoms which reveal volcanic activity or are in
resting phase. Symptoms include:
 The discovery of the hot springs, which can be used as medicine skin, like a spring in Banten (Java Tangah) and in Ciatar (West Java)
 Ditmuaknya volcanic gases include:
 Water vapor (fumarola)
 Gas sulfur (sulfatar)
 gas carbon dioxide (mofet)
 a blast of hot water (geyser) darirekahan rock out like Cisolok Sukabumi (West Java)
 When heaps of energy in such a large area penujaman, energy will be able to shake or vibrate the continental crust and the oceanic plate in the vicinity.
 Gayangan or vibration is called an earthquake. This phenomenon is called seisme.
 vibrations generated due to a shift in the earth's crust can be big or small.
 The extent of corruption in the earth caused by the size of the quake.
 Hiposentrum epicenter was located under the crust of the earth
 Epicenter is a point or a line perpendicular to the surface above hiposentrum

Definition of Graphic Arts (Printmaking)

Definition of Graphic Arts (Printmaking)
Fine art familiar with some branching, in addition to painting (the most known) there is also another example of fine art printmaking (not graphic design). Then where is the difference in graphic arts with other art, here are a few reviews of the graphic arts as a branch of art disciplines.
Printmaking is the branch of art work creation process using printing techniques, usually on paper. Unless the Monotype technique, the process is able to create a copy of the same work in large quantities, this is called the printing process. Each copy of the work known as the 'impression'. Painting or drawing, on the other hand, create a unique original artwork. Prints created from the surface of a material, technically called the matrix. Matrix commonly used are metal plates, usually copper or zinc for engraving or etching; stone used for lithography; wooden planks for woodcut / woodcuts. There are still many other materials used in this artwork. Each print is usually considered to be original works of art, not a copy. The works were printed from a plate create an edition, in the modern art works each signed and numbered to indicate that the work is limited edition.

Graphic artists work using a variety of media from traditional to contemporary, including the air-water base ink, watercolor, ink, air-oil base, oil pastel, and solid pigments are water soluble Caran D'Ache crayons like. Graphic artwork created on the surface called the plate. Technique using digital methods are becoming increasingly popular today. Surface or matrix used to create graphic works include wooden board, metal plate, sheet glass, acrylic sheet linoleum or stone lithography. Another technique called serigrafi or screen printing (screen-printing) using a porous fabric sheet stretched on a frame, called a screen. Prints can be made even smaller by using surface potatoes or yams.
Author graphic works give color prints them in many ways. Often the coloring - the etching, screen printing, woodcuts and Linocut - implemented using plate, board or a separate screen or by using a reductionist approach. In the multi-plate color techniques, a number plate, screen or board, each of which produces a different color. Each plate, screen or separate board will be given a different colored ink is then applied at some stage to make the whole picture. The average use of 3 to 4 plates, but sometimes a graphic artist using up to seven plates. Each application of color will interact with the other colors that have been applied to the paper, so before to think about color separation. Usually the color of the light is applied first and then to a darker color.
Reductionist approach to producing color begins with a plank of wood or lino blank or with a simple scratch. Then the artist mencukilnya further, giving another color and print again. Part dicukil lino or wood will expose (not overwrite) the color that has been printed before.
In graphic techniques like chine-colle or Monotype, printmaker sometimes just paint the color as a painter and then printed.
Subtractive color concept is also used in offset printing or digital printing, in vektorial software such as Macromedia Freehand, CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator or bitmap displayed in the CMYK or other color spaces.

 understanding of graphic arts graphic arts graphic arts history of the graphic arts graphic arts Graphic Arts Article sense definition graphic arts graphic arts graphic arts graphic arts is the art of modern understanding of art terms definitions graphic arts graphic arts sense

Understanding Ablution / Wudu and Procedures Ablution - Islam

Understanding Ablution / Wudu and Procedures Ablution - Islam
Ablution is to purify ourselves of all small hadast accordance with Islamic Shari'a rules.
Intention Ablution:
I intend to remove hadats minor ablution as Allah Ta'ala.
Which can cancel your ablution:
a. secrete a substance from qubul (pubic) and rectum (anus). For example, urinating, defecating, flatulence / farting and others.
b. loss of consciousness either because of fainting, seizures, trance, crazy, drunk, and others.
c. Contact with the opposite sex non-married individuals without a lid.
d. sleep well, except the sleeping micro (micro sleep) while sitting without changing position.
How ablution:
a. read bismillah
b. wash hands
c. intention of ablution
d. rinse and tooth membesihkan (3x)
e. wash the face / face until smooth (between sea beard if any) (3x)
f. wash hands evenly hinnga elbow (3x the right first)
g. washing the front of the hair to the average (3x)
h. wash ears / ear hinnga evenly (3x right first)
i. washing the feet up to the ankles until smooth (3x right first)
j. read the prayer after ablution
Benefits of Ablution

Modern science has determined that those who diligently perform ablutions, they will always look clean, radiant and free of bacteria and germs. Has been examined through a microscope with collected bacteria on the people who are always ablution regularly as well in people who rarely ablution. What happens is that the people who always ablution body free of bacteria. Meanwhile, in contrast to the diligent ablution, the people who rarely ablution found numerous bacteria found in the body. Most of those there is a form of bacteria that clustered round and quite dangerous. Tersebuat bacteria is an organism that can also cause various diseases.

Moreover, with ablution can also keep us from harm poisoning. Why is that? Poisoning occurs because of the growth of harmful bacteria in the nostrils. From the nostrils, the bacteria enter the stomach and then the intestines, causing inflammation and a variety of diseases, especially coupled when the bacteria have entered the bloodstream. Therefore, Islam prescribed to perform istinsyaq (inhale / put water into the nostrils and pull back) three times each ablution. As for Sharia rinse his mouth, has proven that it can keep the mouth and pharynx (channel between the mouth and throat cavity) from a variety of inflammation, swelling of the gums and prevents tooth fragility. Therefore, rinse the mouth can remove food debris that may still plenty left in the mouth. Scientifically proven that 90% of people who have now finished their teeth, if they first pay attention to their oral hygiene, there will probably premature tooth loss.
If the mouth is not cleaned then the material that contains pus and the remains of rotting food in your mouth will mix with saliva and food. Stomach will suck and it will flow into the bloodstream. So that the blood will forward it to all members of the body that ultimately this will lead to the onset of disease.
Rinsing the mouth are also able to train the muscles so that the face will look younger. Exercises like this rarely gets the attention of sports teachers. They just focus on the muscles bigger. So many benefits that we get from our ablution activities. So, let us start from now to diligently perform ablutions followed by worship, so that in addition to health care, as well as increasing our acts of worship to Allah SWT. Amien ...

These functions work space power points

These functions work space power points
I. Introduction Tab in Microsoft Power Point 2007.
1. Home tab

Key functions:

a. Clipboard, its function is available buttons are Copy, Paste, Format Painter.

b. Slides, functions of the buttons are are:
- New Slide is to add a new slide
- Layout is: to choose the type of layout you powerpoint slide layout.
- Reset to reset the changes to your powerpoint slides
- Delete is to remove the slide from your powerpoint

c. Font, function keys can are:
- To select the type and size of text
- Is to increase and decrease the text size bigger
- Ie to print bold, italics, underline, cross out text
- That is to add shadows, increase space between text, select the type of text characters
- To add color to the text

If you click the small arrow will exit tab as follows:

d. Paragraph, the function of the buttons are:
- Ie make the bullet and numbering
- The increase and decrease paragraph spacing
- That is to set the line spacing and below)
- To set the text alignment, left, center, right and the left / right
- That set the column type
- To set the text direction, vertical, horizontal, oblique GLL
- That set the text alignment in a table / box (top, middle)
- Ie to convert the types of text to graphics
If you click the small arrow will exit tab as follows:

e. Drawing, the function of the buttons are:
- To select the shapes on your slide.
- Ie to position shapes, stored above, below, rotation etc.
- The rapid selection of themes, shapes to color
- That gives color to the shapes
- The member shapes colors on the sidelines
- That gives shapes effect

If you click the small arrow will exit tab as follows:

f. Editing, the function of the buttons are:
- To mencaari text in slides
- That is to replace the search text

Fine arts

Fine arts
Fine art is a branch of art that make up the artwork with the media could catch the eyes and felt with palpation. This impression is created by processing the concept line, plane, shape, volume, color, texture, and lighting with aesthetic references.
Fine art divided into three categories:
1. PURE Arts
2. Arts KRIYA
3. Arts DESIGN
Last two categories are then better known as the Applied Arts. Purely visual art refers to works that are only for the purpose of gratification of personal expression. While craft and design, more concerned with functionality and ease of production.
In general, the art translation in English is "Fine Art". However, with the development of the modern art world, the term "Fine Art" to be more specific to the sense of pure art and then combine it with art and design art craft into the language "Visual Arts" or "Applied Arts" or in the Indonesian language is an art form applied.
Applied art refers to the application of design and aesthetics to objects that are used everyday man. While pure art, created just for the gratification of personal expression, applied art and design using creative ideals to create objects of daily necessities, such as a cup or a bench, garden decoration.
Fields such as industrial design, graphic design, interior design, art, decoration, and functional art, are examples of applied art. In the context of creative and abstract, architecture and photography is also regarded as applied art.

Flow-Flow Arts
Art - Fine Arts

Written by Admin
Saturday, October 9, 2010 22:01
Various streams in evolving art from era to era, among others:
1. Naturalism
This flow is a stream of art that promotes compliance with the state of living beings, nature, and inanimate objects are. The most visible example is the self-portraits, landscapes, or landscape.
2. Realism
This flow shows a real social circumstances and usually poor and restive in the world or a particular place. Sample flow arts, among others depict poverty, sadness, or the heartbreaking events.
3. Romanticism
The flow is generally characterized by fantastic themes, full of imagination, or the adventures of the heroes of antiquity. Also a lot of features on human behavior and character are exaggerated.
The painters, among others, Eugene delacroik (1798-1963), Jean Baptiste Camille Corot (1796-1875) and Rousseau (1812-1876). This style is also growing in Germany, the Netherlands, and France.
Romanticism flow is the flow of the oldest in the history of modern painting in Indonesia. Painting with this school and trying to evoke memories of romantic beauty in every object. Landscape is the object that is often taken as the background painting.
Romanticism was pioneered by painters in the Dutch colonial era, and are transmitted to the native painter for the purpose of collection and galleries in colonial times. One of the famous figures of the genre is Raden Saleh.
4. Impressionism
This flow in the art world began mocking expression on the work of Claude Monet (1840-1926) at the Paris exhibition in 1874. This work describes a lotus flower in the morning which is displayed in the form of a vague and blurred colors and by some art critics as "impressionistic", a painting menampilakan a simple form and too ordinary.
5. Expressionism
Is a stream in the atmosphere of art depicting sadness, violence, happiness, or joy in the expression of the emotional and expressive manner. One wing Expressionism painter Vincent van Gogh is (1853-1890). Painting paintings full of soul expression turmoil and suffering caused by a failure in hidup.salah one of his famous paintings is "Night Full of Stars" (1889), which express the high excitement as well as feeling lonely.
6. Cubism
Cubism is an art school in which simplification starts from natural forms geometrically (boxes). In 1909, developing analytical Cubism that developed the concept of the four dimensions in painting. And understood as a concept of time and space in the painting.
In every corner of the painting visible object was broken up with a different position. Meanwhile, Synthetic Cubism, pelukisannya prepared with different areas of overlapping and translucent.
Flow is likely to do business abstraction on objects into geometric forms to get a particular thrill. One of the famous figures of the genre is Pablo Picasso.
7. Konstruksifisme
The flow of art was originally developed in Russia initiators include Vladimir Tattin, Antoine Pevsner and Naum Gabo. This style presents the form of three-dimensional works of art, but his form abstract. The materials used are of modern materials such as iron rods, wire, even plastic.
8. Abstrakisme
This art show art elements are arranged is not limited to the forms that exist in nature. Lines, shapes, and colors displayed regardless of the original form in nature. Kadinsky and marupakan most artists Piet Mondrian's abstract homage. Abstract art is basically trying to purify the artwork, without being tied to a form in nature.
9. Dada
Is a modern art movement that has a tendency nullify laws ada.Ciri main beauty of this style is a blend of various works of painting, sculpture or a particular item by adding the element of an unusual way to protest the surrounding circumstances, such as painting reproduction painting "Monalisa "Leonardo da Vinci but given a mustache, or petusan men are given seat and signature, then exhibited in a gallery.
10. Surrealism
Is the depiction of psychological fantasy world expressed verbally, written and visual. Natural forms deformed, so full of fantasy and out of the ordinary.
Painting with the flow is mostly resemble the forms are often found in dreams. Painter tried to ignore the whole form then process each specific part of the object to produce a particular sensation can be felt human without understanding its original form.
11. Elektisisme
That is the beginning of the art movement of the 20th century that combines various sumbergaya of the world into a modern art form. A lot of the inspiration for this art style. Among other things, primitive art style some tribes in Africa, pre-historic art, Latin American art, style esetik Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. Figures apply this style of art that other antasra Picasso (Cubism as well as characters), Paul Gaugguin, Georges Braque, Jean Arp, Henry Moore, and Gabo.
12. Postmodernism
The term of art is commonly called the grouping of contemporary art styles of contemporary art to the observer or the popular trend and selected by the artists in the span of fifty years until now.
This style is often defined as the flow that develops after modern art. If modern art is more focused in the personal expressions and extracting new style, the art of postmodern artistic expression is concerned semantika (meaning art) and semiotics (sign game art).


Making/Giving Suggestions :
-         You should... (V1) or you ought to...(V1)
-         How about... (V1-ing/noun) or what about..(V1-ing/noun)
-         Let’s... (V1)
-         Why dont we/you
-         Why not
-         I suggest that we/you
-         I advise you to
-         If i were you, i would...
Accepting suggestions :
-         Yes, good idea
-         That’s a marvelous idea
-         That would be nice
-         That sounds nice/good
-         I will do that
-         That seems all right
Rejecting/refusing suggestions
-         It’s not a good idea
-         No, i don’t think so
-         I am afraid, it is not good for us/ me
-         I don’t think i can
-         I’d rather not if you don’t mind

My experience in fasting month

My  experience in fasting month
The fasting month this year very differnt with last fasting month because the fasting month this year more happy because i join with paskibraka and at date 17 agust is day this very impression for member paskibraka because we possible to wave banner red white with safe from although fasting month but we lasting spirit.

Daily Activities

Daily Activities
I get up five o’clock a.m afterthat i take down prayer and that i clean bed room and that i take bath in the bath room afterthat i wear uniform the next i breakfast with my family and i go to school with my friend afterthat i arrive in the school i study with my friends.
Halp past two o’clock p.m i back to home and than i take off my uniform and that i prayer in the noon and that i lunch and that i go to take a bath after that i get up afterthat  i go to pray the afternoon and that i take a bath . i pray in the sunset after that i study one hours and that i night pray after that  dinner with my family nine o’clock p.m i go to sleep in the badroom

longing by: Agnes Monica

As long as I look
As long as I'm waiting
Your shadow at the edge of twilight
Sun burn my Girl
I flew flying high

'Tuk pobud clouds
breaking the time barrier
I lay and close your eyes
I inwardly pangil name
I hope you hear and feel

vibration my heart
The long thirst for caresses your
Like the first time
The first time you kissed my lips and you're hugging it
And you whispered to her the words I love you

My sweat falling
enjoy a touch of
Feelings are very in
Have you take everything I've got
All I've got ouoooo

vibration my heart
The long thirst for caresses your
Like the first time
The first time you kissed my lips and you're hugging it
And you whisper the words I love you ooho you hohoh

Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012


Aesthetics comes from the greek word meaning aesthesis feelings, tastes or taste sensation.
Aesthetics is a science of the study of all things related to beauty, learning all aspects of what we call beauty.
Reasons People Want to Know Aesthetics.
First, due to the works of art and design natural and artificial so valuable that in studying the characteristics typical for the artwork and the design itself
Secondly, he must be found that aesthetic experience (the experience of the artwork and design) is so valuable for both group and individual members were sehinnga artwork and design was particularly animated must be learned.
Third. Might suppose that this experience is so valuable to himself and thus require testing and research on the qualities of works of art and design.
There are two theories of beauty, Namely:
 Subjective
 Objective
Subjective beauty that there is beauty in the eye that sees.
Objective beauty is to put beauty in the objects in view.
Character Animator who succeed are:
 Having technical skills.
 Understand the nature of the material.
 Understand the needs of the people.
 Always wanted to know.
 Sharpness see.
 Initiative.
 Good and competent.
 Confidence.
 Honesty.
 Shows risks and accountable for his work.
 To collect data.
 Diligent and understand its purpose.