Minggu, 18 November 2012


KPK Catch the Central Jakarta District Court judges

  KPK grabbed back the state. This time the judge assigned to the Central Jakarta District Court was arrested for allegedly accepting a bribe.
"Yes, more info later, yes," said Vice Chairman of the Commission, M Jasin Thursday, June 2, 2011.
The information gathered, the judge was arrested on Wednesday, June 1st night in the area in Jakarta Utara.Hakim initials S caught with the evidence, money amounting to Rp 250 million Singapore dollars and a car Mitsubishi Pajero.
In addition to the judge's, KPK arrested a curator of a company with the initials PW. Allegedly, S supervisory judge in the middle of Central Jakarta commercial court bribed the bankruptcy case of a company.
Currently, judges are being examined at the Corruption Eradication Commission.


Endangered Democrat Tim Cancel to Singapore
  Democratic Party - Plan a team from the Democratic Party to pick Muhammad Nazaruddin could be canceled. Because, until now the existence of former General Treasurer of the Democratic Party is not yet known.
"Not necessarily to go there, because the place just did not know. I have been called by his family do not come first get there, "said Chairman of the Department of Communication and Information.
The plan, which Democrats team will fly to Singapore is, Ruhut Sitompul, Benny Harman, Edy Sitanggang and Sutan Bhatoegana. However, due to unknown places Nazaruddin, a team from the Democratic jeopardized to Singapore.
"I myself ga ban if his friends want to go there, but where Nazaruddin just all do not know. Doing there, "said Ruhut.
On another occasion, Sutan appointed as chairman of the party claimed to be ready if assigned met Nazaruddin in Singapore. Ruhut Similarly, he also did not know where she nursed Nazaruddin.
"We are waiting for his willingness (Rudi) tell the address where the, where the hospital. He said that if not today, yes given out tomorrow, "said Bhatoegana.
Bhatoegana himself reluctantly team called Rudi pickup team. Therefore, a team of party and not law enforcement.
"If we see our brother again pain there. We convey messages from the DPP, "tegasnya.Partai Democrats


 Make backround screen, make the fram one box that meets the stage and give a color that matches the color to the sky. Right-click the frame 160dan select frame.kunci layer insert backround.
 Create a new layer and name it laye "cloud", in frame 1 draw cumulus cloud layer and then convert to movie clip, name the "cloud". Put a cloud that is so outward stage left.
 Click the movie clip cloud and open action panel (F9). Then write the following script
On ClipEvent (Load) {
_y = 100 + random (400)
Xawal = _x;
Speed ​​= 10
onClipt Frame (enterFrame) {
_x + = speed;
If (-x> 800)
_x = xawal;
_y = 100 + random (400);
 Copy clouds movie clip into several pieces with different sizes and layouts but remain outside the left side of the stage. Right-click the frame 160 and select insert a key frame after that layer.
 Create a layer and name the layer plane. Right-click the layer plane frame 20 and the draw is made form aircraft group (Ctrl + G).
 Put the plane in the frame 20 to the outside right of the stage, right kilik frame 50 and select insert keyframe. Slide the image plane is in the frame 50 to the middle of the stage and create a motion tween.
 Right-click the layer plane frame 60 and select insert keyframe, do well in frames to 70. In fraem to 70 planes a little slide up and create motion tween.
 Right-click the layer plane frame 80 and select insert keyframe, move the plane to slightly move kemidian create motion tween.
Create a new layer then the layer name formula, make sure the layer is at the bottom of the layer plane. At frame 50 write the formula and put it at the back of the plane. Insert a keyframe on frame to 80 layer formula. In frame 50, change the paper size to be small and put the formula in such a way so that the aircraft can cover the writing was.

Insert key frame in frame to the 120 and 160 plane layer and layer formula. Click on frame 160 plane layer and hold down the shift key and then click the layer formula frame 160, the second stage will terseleksi.Geser objectdalam second image / object is left out on stage. Then Create motion tween.

 Make backround screen, make the fram one box that meets the stage and give a color that matches the color to the sky. Right-click the frame 160dan select frame.kunci layer insert backround.
 Create a new layer and name it laye "cloud", in frame 1 draw cumulus cloud layer and then convert to movie clip, name the "cloud". Put a cloud that is so outward stage left.
 Click the movie clip cloud and open the action panel (F9). Then write the following script
On ClipEvent (Load) {
_y = 100 + random (400)
Xawal = _x;
Speed ​​= 10
onClipt Frame (enterFrame) {
_x + = speed;
If (-x> 800)
_x = xawal;
_y = 100 + random (400);
 Copy clouds movie clip into several pieces with different sizes and layouts but REMAIN outside the left side of the stage. Right-click the frame 160 and select insert a key frame after that layer.
 Create a layer and name the layer plane. Right-click the layer plane frame 20 and the draw is made form aircraft group (Ctrl + G).
 Put the plane in the frame 20 to the outside right of the stage, right kilik frame 50 and select insert keyframe. Slide the image plane is in the frame 50 to the middle of the stage and create a motion tween.
 Right-click the layer plane frame 60 and select insert keyframe, do well in frames to 70. In fraem to 70 planes a little slide up and create a motion tween.
 Right-click the layer plane frame 80 and select insert keyframe, move the plane to slightly move kemidian create motion tween.
Create a new layer then the layer name formula, make sure the layer is at the bottom of the layer plane. At frame 50 write the formula and put it at the back of the plane. Insert a keyframe on frame to 80 layer formula. In frame 50, change the paper size to be small and put the formula in such a way so that the aircraft can cover the writing was.

Insert key frame in frame to the 120 and 160 plane layer and layer formula. Click on frame 160 plane layer and hold down the shift key and then click the layer formula frame 160, the second stage will terseleksi.Geser second objectdalam image / object is left out on stage. Then Create motion tween.


This time animations to be created is the writing being towed by a car, the steps are as follows:
• Make the background layer and then draw a rectangle that meets the stage, beriwarna dengang radasi blue color (use the button to set). In addition we also can add gambarjalan. Iniuntukkitajadikansebagai background nantinyaanimasiterlihatlebihcantik ataugambarlatar order.

Setelehselasai, lock the background layer denganmenekanikon untukmemudahkanmembuatobyek others.
• Create a layer baruberinama layer "car". In frame 1 layer mobilbuatlahgambarmobiltanparodamenggunakan existing tools. Untuksementaramobildibuattanparodakerenauntukbagianrodaakankitabuat rodasehinggabisaberputar movie clip.

Masihpada layer samagambarlahsebuahroda / tires, seleksigambarrodatersebutkemudianklikkanandanpilih convert to symbol dialog makaakanmunculkotak new berinama "tire" danpilih type "movie clip" OK.
Setelahituklikdua times on the movie clip timeline untukmasukke tires tires. Setelahitu, klikkanan frame to 20 kemudianpilih insert keyframe. In tengahantara frame 1-20 klikkanankemudianpilih create motion tween.
• Click on frame 1 danbuka Properties panel (Ctrl + F3) kemudianubahisian option to rotate to "CCW" for the wheel / tire dapatberputar, setelahinimakaanimasirodatelahselesaikitadibuat (spinning), tekanCtrl + Enteruntukmencoba. Rodatelahselesaidandapatberputar, akantetapibilakitaperhatikandengantelitiadasedikitkejanggalanpadaperputaranrodatersebut. It inidikarenakanposisiputaranrodapada frame 20 samadenganposisipada frame 1.
• Create a layer barudanberinama "action", klikkananpada action layer frame 19 kemudianbuka action panel (F9) laluketikkan script
gotoAndPlay (1);
Rodatelahselesaidibuat.Keluardari timeline wheel / tire kemudianpasangkanpadakeduasisidepandanbelakangmobil. Seleksigambarmobildan kemudianklikkanandanpilih tires convert to a movie clip symbol, berinama "car".

• In frame 1 layer mobiltempatkanmobil in luarsebelahkanan stage, klikkanan danpilih insert frame 70 keyfame.
• Klikkananditengah frame between frames 1-70 danpilih create motion tween. At frame 70 pindahkangambarmobilkeluarsebelahkiristage. Make it as if akanmobilberjalan in atasmobil.
• Create a layer barudanberinama "formula"
• In frame 1 layerrrumusbuatlahpersegipanjangdenganmenggunakan rectangle tool (R) kemudianpada option in bagianbawah tool pane click menu set corner radius danubahnilainyamenjadi 5.
• Tulisrumus tenses padapersegipanjangtersebutmenggunakantextool (T)

group ataubisajugakita converted into movie clips. Letakkangambartersebutkeluarsebelahkanan stage dantempelkantali order seakanterikatpadamobil
• Klikkanan frame 45 kemudianpilih insert keyframe, mobile jikakitalihatdisini akanberada in the middle stage sedangkangambarpersegipanjang / rumusmasihberada outside stage, geserrumus order tetapmenempelpadamobil.
• In the middle frame between frames 1-45 klikkanankemudianpilih create motion tween.
• Klikkanan frame 50 layerrumusdanpilih insert keyframe. Ubahposisirumus order terlepasdarimobil. Kemudianberi motion tween.
• Click on frame 55 layerrumuskemudiangeserrumuskearahlain, create a motion tween.
• Lakukanhal the samatiap 5 frames to frame 80.
• Insert keyframepada frame 100 dangeserrumuskeatas, klikpadarumuskemudianbuka properties panel Ctrl + F3. Change the color to "Alpha" "0%".
• Jikalangkah-step atasdilakukandenganbenar, makaanimasimobil the membawarumustelahselesai.
For finishing, animasiiniakankitabuatmenjadifullscreensecaraotomatisketikapertamadijalankan.
• Create a layer barudanberinama layer "script", in frame 1 layer action script panel danketikkan open the following script
fscommand ("fullscreen", "true");
Makes the same Untukrumus the lainnyalakukanjugahal the above


1. First create a new layer and name it with the name of the tiger
2. Then click file-import-import to library.
3. Find pictures of tigers in Microsoft Office ClipArt. (I took out of Microsoft Office 2007. Not sure if the Microsoft Office 2003 no. Try just looking). Click Ok.
4. After the image appears in the window tiger library (Ctrl + L) appears, drag the image into the layer tiger worksheet.
5. After that, press F8 to convert to symbol and give it the name of the tiger symbol of type movie clip. Put on the right off the worksheet that are not visible.
6. Then create a new layer and name it deer. Like the same way on the number 2 and 3 to find pictures of deer.
7. Drag the deer image library window into the worksheet. Then convert a movie clip and name the deer. Then, put objects deer right in front of the worksheet object tiger.
8. Insert a keyframe at frame 10, 20, 31, and 41 on the layer of deer and tigers. In the frames change position objects such as deer and tiger chases. Then give motion tween between the frames.
9. When the frame 41, object to the form of thin deer make so memorable tiger caught using free transform. Insert frame to frame 165
10. After that, insert key frame at frame 165 and 170 tigers in the layer. Later in the frame 170 to move the position of the object tiger off the worksheet. And in the object properties window change color to alpha 0% tiger. Give motion tween between frame 165 and frame 170.
11. After that, create a new layer with the name of the gas. Insert blank keyframe on frame 48. Then make another cloud image objects. Then convert a movie clip with the name of the gas. After that, put the object into the back of the tiger gas.
12. Insert a keyframe at frame 65 gas layer. In frame 48, turn that gas into a small size objects. Give motion tween in frames 48 and 65.
13. After that, insert another keyframe at frame 155 and 165. At frame 165 gas and reduce the size of the object in the properties window change color to alpha 0%. Give motion tween between the frames.
14. After that, create a new layer with the name of the title of the formula. Insert blank keyframe on frame 65. Make the text "Present Continuous Tense" and then convert to movie clip and name the title of the formula. After that, the object is to position the object on the gas. Insert a keyframe at frame 85, 145, and 155. Then, at 65 frames reduce the object and change the object color to alpha 0%. Give motion tween between frames 65 and 85. After that, the frame 155, click the object and change the object color to alpha 0%. Give motion tween between the two.
15. After that, create a new layer and name formulas. Insert blank keyframe on frame 85. Make the text "S + is / are / am + V-ing + O" and convert into a movie clip and name the formula. Insert a keyframe at frame 105, 111, 116, 121, 126, 131, 136, and 145. In frame 85, change the size of the object into smaller objects and change the color of color to alpha 0%. Then after that, change the color formula on frame image objects 111, 121, 131, and 145 to 0% alpha. Give motion tween between frame 85 to frame 145.
16. Press Ctrl + Enter to try animation. (To first sort the layers from top to bottom is the title formula, formula, tiger, deer, and the last gas)

 : to slow the move to change the frame rate becomes smaller than 12. I click on any worksheet and will appear in the properties window frame rate. Change to slow down or speed up.

Object / goal Light Setup

Lighting Having basic 6 important object lighting, namely:
1. illuminate
Which illuminates the object or subject related to the needs of the working system called electronic camera light or a light foundation base.
2. Creating a 3-D (three-dimensional) perspective
Because television is a matter layae 2-D (two-dimensional), the depth can be raised with the processing of camera angles, camera blocking, set design, and the use of lighting related to texture, shape (some forms), form (shape).
3. Guiding the audience's attention
The light that directs the viewer's attention to the important elements of a scane.
4. Create the mood of a scene (essential mood)
As it was dark for a dramatic mystery condition, bright atmosphere in conditions of happiness or joy.
5. explaining time
That morning-redness, hari-terang/cerah afternoon, late afternoon / evening-kemerehan violet.
6. Mengkotribusikan various aspects astetis in pengkomposisian,
For example, someone walked out of the shadows passing under a bright light and then headed into the dark again.

Types of Computer Components and explanation

Cashing a computer is a computer component that serves as the place we put or attach the motherboard, power supply, optical disc drive, hard disk, and so forth. Computer case is distinguished by its size which is often referred to as the form factor (such as ATX and Micro ATX) form factor, which refers to the form factor motherboard that supports

Power Supply
Like a car that can not run if you do not have fuel, then a computer would not be able to flame or function if it has no power supply or PSU (Power Supply Unit) is. Power supply is a computer component that serves to supply electrical power to other computer components such as motherboard, hard disk, optical disk drives, and so forth.

Motherboard / Mainboard
Motherboard is a computer component where we plug in or install computer components such as the processor, video card, sound card, hard disk, and so forth. The motherboard serves to connect each computer components that can communicate with each other. Each motherboard has its specifications respectively, specs like processor supports what and how much capacity is the maximum RAM supported by the motherboard.

If a computer is like as a human being, then the processor is the human brain. Processor or CPU (Central Processing Unit) is a component of the duty to execute computer instructions or perform calculations. Before buying a processor you should find out in advance what processor socket motherboard is owned by you, whether socket AM2, socket LGA, or so forth.

RAM stands for Random Access Memory, which is a computer component that serves to store data from a program that we are running and the data can be accessed randomly or random. Before buying a RAM you should find out in advance what the RAM slot motherboard owned by you, whether SDRAM, DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or others.

When you wish to buy a notebook, we must offer products with different memory capacities vary. The question is "whether the umpteen MB memory that is enough" or not enough memory capacity can be measured from the use of Operating System and application types that will be used. Suppose you want to use Windows Vista, which as we know it requires at least 512 MB of memory. So look for a notebook that has at least 1GB of memory. Because if the system is experiencing shortage of memory, it will use the hard drive as memory. And it can slow down computer performance. The main point is the more memory you have, the better. Unlike the processor can not be upgraded, memory on a laptop can be added later on.
Hard Drive
Currently, there are two types of storage media drive and SSD (Solid State Drive). When you talk of excellence performance issues, SSD is superior because it is fast, quiet, and lower power consumption than traditional hard drives that we use. But the price of SSD is still very expensive. Therefore, it is still using the laptop hard drive.
For its own capacity, if you will use the laptop for storing videos, music and photos, then look for a large-capacity hard drive, such as 320 GB. But if not great was not a problem, because it's been many large-capacity portable hard drive that can be used as backup storage. In addition, the hard drive can be upgraded later on.
Video Card
 There are two types of video cards are integrated and dedicated. Video Card integrated video card is memorynya utilize main memory (RAM). While the dedicated use their own memory. For performance, a dedicated obviously better. Therefore, a dedicated video card is better used for gaming use. But it does not mean that integrated games can not be used. Still be, Just be a lackluster performance when used to run heavy games.
Hard disk is a component of the computer where we store data. The greater the capacity of the hard disk that we have on our computers, the more data that we can also save on our computers are. Before buying a hard disk you should find out in advance what the hard disk interface that is owned by your motherboard, whether IDE, SCSI, SATA, or so forth.

Optical Disc Drive
Although without an optical disc drive of the computer we can flame or function, but it seems no one is computer components such as computer isolated from the outside world, isolated from the outside world means we will have difficulty if one wants to copy data, install programs , watch VCD or DVD movies, which are all stored in a CD or DVD. Optical Disc Drive can be either CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW, Blu-Ray, or so forth. Before purchasing an optical disk drive you should find out first what the interface that is owned by your motherboard, whether IDE, SATA, or so forth.

Monitor is a computer component that serves to display images that are output from the video card. Computer monitors are widely available in the market today is a CRT monitor (the monitor tube) and LCD monitors, but nowadays most people prefer using the LCD monitor (especially in offices) for LCD monitor except it looks more modern, it also has Other advantages are space-saving and power-saving.

Keyboard input is a computer component that serves as a tool to type something. In addition to the standard keyboard, computer keyboard now has an assortment of models, such as the mini keyboard, flexible keyboard that can be folded, wireless keyboard that uses bluetooth, and so forth.

Mouse input is a computer component that serves to move the cursor on our screen and to click on something like the buttons in an application program. Mouse is also an assortment of models, there is a standard mouse, mouse for gaming purposes, a wireless mouse that uses bluetooth, and so forth.


1. Flashing Laptop Adapter
Laptop adapter is one of the important components of the laptop. Without this adapter, the laptop can not be used, because there is no voltage source. This laptop adapter is also experiencing a lot of problems, among which are berkedipnya lamp adapter when used to charge the laptop batery.
If you have your adapter light is blinking, chances are there is damage to your adapter. And our advice, do not use the laptop adapter and laptop while before you found out the exact damage.

2. Dead or Power Failure
For the case of death that you should check first is your laptop batery. The possibility of your laptop batery run total. Try to do the charging and wait about 1/2 hour. Another cause is the laptop adapter is not functioning. You can check the indicator light illuminates when carger in laptop adapter laptop in love. If the indicator light does not light, there is the possibility of a faulty adapter or power connector board boardyang broken or damaged laptop. Another possibility laptop totally dead board, causing the total dead laptop altogether.

Laptop LCD is one of the components of the laptop is quite expensive in case of replacement due to damage. Damaged laptop LCD is indeed caused by many factors, can be due to congenital factors or human factors of the plant that is used in the treatment and how to take care of laptop LCD itself.
The problem often faced by laptop users include LCD with striped display, vibrating display, the color is less sharp, and the missing color. These problems experienced by many who still use the LCD inverter or neon as backlightnya. and most of the damage to the LCD difficult to handle than the replacement.

4. "Consider Replacing Your Battery" In Windows 7
March 17, 2011 by Joseph Adiwiyarso Under Tips & Tricks - 295 Comments
For users of laptops with operating system Windows 7, sooner or later you will surely get a notification "consider replacing your battery" is accompanied by the appearance of a red cross on the battery icon in the system tray. Notification that appears when Windows 7 "assume" it's time your laptop's battery replaced.

Please note that this notification appears when Windows 7 detects that your laptop battery capacity is less than 40% capacity should be, and therefore it is proper to be replaced. However, many reports from users of Windows 7 in different parts of the world that states that Windows 7 sometimes wrong in the detection capacity of the laptop battery. There was even a user who had to replace the battery with a new laptop but still get this notification.

5. Power lights flash but the LCD screen does not display the image.
Please check to attach an external monitor to the VGA port on your laptop. Then turn on your laptop, if the laptop is still dead, the possibility of damage is VGA, the CPU, mainboard, the BIOS IC, or dirty or faulty RAM. Try to do check one by one.
And if an external monitor with the image of life and appear normal, the possibility of damage in the LCD inverter, LCD flexible cable, or LCD monitor. If the damage is on the LCD screen, then you have to replace the LCD screen because the LCD screen can not be repaired.

6. Laptop Cooling Problems
Common problems often faced by users of laptop heat is a problem, however, heat is the main enemy of the laptop, the laptop nearly 75% of the damage caused by excessive heat. Especially in the laptop casing hardly any empty spaces are all filled with components. The problem that often arises this section is clogged sewer heat on the heatsink as it is covered by dust. This causes the heat that would otherwise be issued re-entry into the laptop. As a result, the temperature inside the laptop up from the seharusanya allowed. This can cause over heating in the VGA chip, Processor, and other components of the laptop mainboard.
7. Ports and Connectors Power Problems
This problem is also common. This is caused by the breakdown of the existing solder on the connector or port. Solderan breakdown caused by heat and the age of the laptop itself. The solution is to re-solder the parts cracked solder.

8. Blue Screen Of Death - BSOD
(Blue Screen of Death), or sometimes called "blue screen" - Blue Screen is a popular term for Microsoft Windows screen displayed when experiencing a system error (or so-called stop error by Microsoft). BSOD of Windows NT, 2000, XP, or Vista is usually more serious than previous Windows. There are several things that causes a BSOD it. Among these tools are not good drivers, memory error, damaged registry or use incompatible DLL files. Various forms contained BSOD on all Windows operating systems since Windows 3.1. BSOD is the replacement for the black screen of death (black screen of death) that appears on the OS / 2 and MS-DOS.Dalam earlier versions of Windows Vista also include red screen of death or the red screen of death, which is used in the boot loader error.
How to Solve Blue Screen
Finding fault or damage to the BSOD error is quite troublesome, although we have been able to track approximately fault / damage-causing blue screen BSOD appears on the monitor, over-and dominated the Hardware Damage Crash Driver old and new.

9. AC Power Adapter

Power light blinking erratically and charge the battery light flashes and dies when jack adapter is plugged in the laptop.
damage: the jack adapter or the adapter.
Possible troubleshooting steps and repair solution is:
The socket may be too loose so that the adapter plug is not squashed or damaged outlet possible.
Laptop adapter is damaged or does not issue current, check the current output on jack adapter with a multimeter on volts dc scale position.

10. Backlight lamp
Backlight or backlight laptop stops working for no reason whatsoever.
The screen was working fine some time ago but now it is very dark. Image is still visible on the screen but it's barely visible. When the laptop reboots, the screen remains very dark.
Possible cause:
1. Backlight inverter damaged
2. Backlight lamp is broken.
Possible troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
1. Most likely this is related to damage to the backlight inverter. Inverter board installed in the laptop display panel and in most models installed underneath the LCD screen.
When the faulty inverter board, laptop screen zoom is really dark and the image on the screen is barely visible.
good solution to fix the problem is to replace the backlight inverter board.
2. If the new inverter does not fix the problem, it seems you have the wrong lamp backlight in LCD screens, the solution is that you need to replace the LCD screen.

Video cable
The images on the laptop screen freezes and slowly turns white
Spontaneous images on the laptop screen will stop and then slowly turn white with some faint gray patches.
If you slide or bend forward towards the monitor position, sometimes the image back to normal.
Laptop works fine indigo using an external monitor.
Possible cause:
1. The poor relationship between video cable and LCD screen.
2. Damage to the LCD screen.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
First of all, try to reconnect the video cable on the rear LCD screen. It is possible that the video cable is not making good contact with the LCD screen.
If reconnecting the cable does not help, most likely it is the damage to the LCD screen.
there may be a faulty component or solder the loose screen and controller board in this LCD screen must be replaced with a new

Cooling system

Laptop off when used to play games.
possible damage to the laptop is overheating or cooling the processor is not perfect.
When you run the game, you are pushing the CPU to generate a lot of heat.
If the laptop cooling module (fan and heat sink) clogged with dust, heat and then the laptop will shutdown.
Make sure the cooling module or heatsink clean of dust and dirt.
clean the dust on the fan or heatsink using kuwas paint or engine compressor.
provide new thermal paste on the processor if necessary.

Display hinges

Monitor laptop is very loose and wobbling.
Possible cause:
1. one was a loose hinge screws.
2. one broken screen hinge.
Possible troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
1. monitor hinge retaining screws may be loose.
tighten the screws on the hinges can help to make a screen shake.
to tighten the hinge screws screens can be found in the following locations
- At the bottom of the laptop.
screw located just below the hinge.
Usually there is only one screw on each hinge at the bottom. Try to tighten these screws.
below is a picture of where the monitor hinge screws are.
1. Hard drive
After upgrading the hard drive, the laptop is not detected by the BIOS.
Possible cause:
1. Hard drive is not connected properly.
2. Hard drive is not in sync with the laptop
3. There are bad sectors hard drive.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
1. Make sure the hard drive is properly connected to the motherboard.
Try connecting the drive back.
Find out if the hard drive appear in the BIOS after reconnecting.
2. Enter the BIOS setup menu load default settings.
do safe mode and restart the laptop, there is a chance your new hard drive will be detected after it.
3. If you install a larger hard drive, make sure it's supported or sinkon with laptops.
Some older laptops will not support large hard drive.
In some cases, a larger hard drive will be supported after you upgrade a laptop BIOS to the latest version.
Upgrade the BIOS if necessary.
4. Try to replace your old hard drive, if your old hard drive is detected but the new one does not, it is likely that the new hard drive is damaged.


Laptop keyboard detected in bios but not detected in windows.
You can enter the BIOS setup menu and navigate through the menu using the keyboard.
but once Windows is running, the keyboard stops responding.
Possible cause: software
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
Most likely this is a hardware or software issue.
If the keyboard works in the BIOS, the keyboard function well
The best and more efficient way to fix this problem is to reinstall the operating system from scratch.
Back up all your personal data and run the recovery disc or CD install.
it helps you reinstall the operating system that will make your keyboard work again.
Laptops make-noise
There was a strange sound in your laptop.
Possible cause:
1. DVD drive is broken.
2. Faulty cooling fan heatsink
3. Drive has failed.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
There are only three parts in a laptop that can make noise.
1. If the noise starts when you are playing a CD or DVD, it is most likely related to damage optical drive ..
Test optical drive with CDs and DVDs etc. If the laptop still makes noises, replace the dvd drive.
2. Look at the home fans at the bottom.
If the noise occurs when the processor cooling fan starts spinning, it means your processor cooling fan is broken.
3. The last part is the hard drive capable of creating noise.
If the laptop freezes and grunting noise, you may have a faulty hard drive.
In this case, back up any data because the hard disk can be damaged at any time. remember, do not store important data on your hard drive that emit noise or noisy.

Laptop slow

Laptop slow to boot and operate.
Laptop takes a few minutes to boot to the desktop, when you buy a laptop very quickly to boot to the desktop.
Possible cause:
1. operating system software problems.
2. insufficient memory installed
3. Drive has failed.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
This could be due to the operating system software.
There is also the possibility that you have too many programs loading at startup at the same time.
If the laptop was fast before and now very slow, you can try re-installing the operating system from scratch.
Back up all personal files and run the recovery disc.
Reimage the hard drive back to factory default settings, reimaging the laptop will most likely make it faster.
Your laptop may need more memory.
Look at the system properties, and find out how much memory you have installed.
For Windows XP I would recommend at least 1GB for Windows Vista and at least 3GB.
by installing more memory will speed up your laptop.
If you have enough memory installed and had to reinstall the system again but the result is still slow then you have a damaged hard drive.

LCD screen

when you press the power button, the power LED lights on the laptop screen lights but no picture and the laptop screen stays black and empty.
Video on external monitor also does not work even though previous work well.
Possible cause:
1. Faulty memory.
2. Video card is damaged.
3. Motherboard damaged.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution
1. Try connecting the memory modules, maybe one of them does not make good contact with the memory slots.
Try to remove the memory modules one by one and then reinstall it.
probably one of memory damage.
If you have only one memory module, try moving to another slot. Maybe the slot was broken.
Try replacing the memory modules that are still good or new.
2. If you have a video card specific or general, there may be a problem with the video card.
First, try to reconnect the video card on the motherboard. Perhaps the connection between video card and motherboard bad.
If the video card is installed again still does not help, try replacing it with a new VGA card.
3. In most newer laptops, video card integrated into the motherboard. If the video card is damaged, you will need to replace the motherboard.

Liquid damage

Laptop restart continues after ketumpahan drinks.
possible damage: motherboard.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
When the laptop ketumpahan drinks or soda most likely damaged motherboard.
necessary to disassemble the laptop to find the other parts that are damaged by water or soda spills.
In most cases, a faulty motherboard with liquids can not be repaired and must be replaced with new ones.
My advice if your laptop is exposed to liquid or beverage, quick-release adapter or hurry up your laptop battery.
after unloading the laptop to drain fluid that is on the motherboard.

Main battery

Laptop battery hot.
Possible cause: damage to the battery.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
If the laptop battery is getting very hot while charging, most likely it is the damage to the battery.
Remove the battery and just use the laptop adapter until the battery is replaced. This will prevent damage to the laptop.
Before you replace the battery, enter the BIOS setup menu on your laptop and find out what BIOS version you have installed.
visit your laptop manufacturer's website and look for a BIOS update.
download and install the latest version of the BIOS.
Sometimes the factory issued battery repair the BIOS update.
Updating the BIOS can fix the battery problem, if it does not help, replace the battery with a new laptop.

blue laptop monitor after a memory upgrade.
Possible cause:
1. Memory is not installed correctly.
2. bad memory module.
3. memory slots on the motherboard dirty.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
I assume that you are using the right type of memory size for your laptop.
1. perhaps the memory module is not installed properly. Try out and reinsert the memory.
2. clean the memory slots with brush.
3. If you install a new memory module instead of the old, and the screen remains blue try to replace it with a long memory.
If the laptop works fine with the old memory module, not with a new, perhaps a new memory module is damaged.
You can test your memory with Memtest86 utility (cai digoogle).
4. move to another memory slot.
If the laptop works fine when installed in the second slot, the first memory slot means dirty or damaged.
In this case you need to replace the motherboard or use a laptop with only one memory module is inserted into the slot well.

Network port
Laptop hangs when internet network sockets installed.
Possible cause:
1. damage to the cable network.
2. damage to software or software.
3. damage to the motherboard.
Possible troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
1. Try another cable network, your network cable may be damaged and must be replaced.
2. Try reinstalling the network adapter driver, you can download the laptop manufacturer's site.
3. If reinstalling the network driver does not help, try reinstalling the operating system from scratch.
Back up your personal files and reinstall the operating system from the recovery disk or CD installation.
Do not forget to download and install the network adapter drivers after re-installing the operating system.
4. If you are still having the same problem even after reinstalling the operating system, most likely this is the damage to the motherboard. In laptop network port is soldered directly to the motherboard. If the network port is damaged you have to replace the motherboard.
Or you can try using a laptop with a PCMCIA network card. input PC card slot is available to acquire new port networks.

laptop on and the power LED is on but no picture on the screen.
try with an external monitor is also not out of the picture, as well as removing the battery and put it back, but the picture still is not out.
Possible cause:
1. Memory impairment.
2. Damage to the motherboard.
3. Damage processor.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
1. Try connecting the memory module.
Try out the memory modules one by one and test the laptop with each memory module separately.
This way you can locate a faulty memory module.
Try to install the memory modules into different slots on the motherboard. If the laptop works well in a single slot module, but not in the other slot, the second slot is broken.
If you only have one memory module installed, try replacing it with a good memory module.
2. If you connect the back and replace the memory module does not help, most likely there is a problem with the motherboard.
3. It could be faulty processor, but the processor failure is extremely rare. This processor will be the last thing to blame.

Screen inverter
When the laptop is turned on screen flashes then dark.
If you restart the laptop to repeat the damage as before.
possible causes:
1. lcd screen inverter damage.
2. lcd screen backlight lamp is damaged.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
When the laptop LCD screen flashes and then turns black, the problem is most likely related to the screen inverter or backlight lamp on the monitor screen.
You can not tell which one is broken without a test with another laptop with an inverter or backlight lamp is good.
Both parts have damage symptoms are very similar.
If you had to guess, first of all replace the inverter board.
If it does not help to solve the problem, you must replace the LCD screen

Laptop speakers become hoarse or no sound at all.
Reinstalling the operating system and the audio driver does not fix the problem
Possible cause:
1. Damage to the laptop speakers.
2. Damage to the sound card or sound card ..
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
If one laptop speaker hoarse voice, the first thing to do is test the laptop with headphones.
If both channels in normal and means that the headphones sound hoarse or creaking sound coming from one speaker laptop.
If you hear the sound of crunching / cracked from one channel headphones, most likely there is a problem with the sound card.
In most laptop sound card is integrated into the motherboard. If the sound card is damaged, you will have to replace the entire motherboard.

Startup problem
Laptop takes a few minutes to boot desktop.
Possible cause:
1. Not enough memory installed.
2. Many software applications loading at startup.
3. Damage to Hard Drive
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
First of all, the amount of memory installed on the laptop.
It will take a long time to boot up the laptop if it does not have enough memory. To run Windows XP and I recommend at least 512MB for Windows Vista or Windows 7 at least 1GB to operate smoothly.
has more apps loading more time is required at start up.
If you are not sure which application is causing the problem, you can back up all personal files and reinstall Windows from scratch. Most likely the laptop will run faster after a fresh install.
If the laptop is still slow, the test is your hard drive, the hard drive is likely damaged and should be replaced.
you can use the hard drive diagnostic utility can be found on the Ultimate Boot CD or UBCD (search digoogle).
If the hard drive fails the test, replace it with a new one and reinstall the operating system from the recovery disk or CD installation.
USB port
All the USB port of the laptop stops working at once and Laptop stopped recognizing USB devices connected to the USB port.
Possible cause:
1. Software problems.
2. Damage USB controller
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
1. Uninstall all USB related entries in the device manager.
Restart the laptop and let it re-detect the USB port and install the driver. Test the USB port. If it does not help, move to the next step.
2. Back up all your files and reinstall Windows from scratch. Maybe all the USB ports stopped working due to some corrupted file system.
3. If reinstalling Windows from scratch does not help, most likely this is related to hardware malfunction.
Apparently, the motherboard has a faulty USB controller. If that happens, the whole motherboard must be replaced.
Alternatively, you can use a USB external PCMCIA card. You plug this card into the PC slot and get 2 or 4 USB ports instead.
Video board
the image on the screen gets messed up when the laptop is moved.
To get the picture back to normal you have to restart the laptop.
The image on the external monitor when the laptop is also chaotic move or be moved.
Possible cause:
1. The poor connection between video card and motherboard laptop.
2. Bad video card.
3. The poor relationship between memory and the laptop motherboard.
Possible troubleshooting steps and repair solutions:
When the image is broken on both internal and external monitor, the problem is most likely related to the VGA / video card laptop.
1. If the laptop has a different video card, it could be related to connection problems.
Maybe the video card is not making good contact with the slot on the motherboard, video card slot clean lines.
2. In the most recent laptop video card integrated into the motherboard. In this case the video card and can not be replaced. If the video card fails, you will have to replace the motherboard.
3. but maybe the problem is related to a bad connection between the memory module and motherboard.
Video cable
The images on the laptop screen freezes and slowly turns white
Spontaneous images on the laptop screen will stop and then slowly turn white with some faint gray patches.
If you slide or bend forward towards the monitor position, sometimes the image back to normal.
Laptop works fine indigo using an external monitor.
Possible cause:
1. The poor relationship between video cable and LCD screen.
2. Damage to the LCD screen.
troubleshooting steps and repair solution:
First of all, try to reconnect the video cable on the rear LCD screen. It is possible that the video cable is not making good contact with the LCD screen.
If reconnecting the cable does not help, most likely it is the damage to the LCD screen.
there may be a faulty component or solder the loose screen and controller board in this LCD screen must be replaced with a new