Jumat, 30 November 2012
Resignation is the lean sincerity to Allah Ta'ala for the benefit and prevent harm, both related to the affairs of this world and the hereafter. Allaah says which means, "And whoever pious to Allah, He will make for him a way out and give rizqi of the direction he thought no-thought, and whoever sole trust in Allah, then He is sufficient for him." (Ath Tholaq : 2-3)
Meaning sole trust To God
Many of the scholars who have explained the meaning of resignation, including the Al Allamah Al Munawi. He said, "The resignation is to show weakness and reliance (self) to the diTawakkali." (Faidhul Qadir, 5/311). Ibn 'Abbas said that the resignation meaningful radhiyAllahu'anhuma trust completely to Allah Ta'ala. Imam Ahmad said, "The resignation means deciding searches with desperation against the creature." Al-Hasan Al-Basri was asked about the resignation, so he replied, "Ridho to Allaah", Rojab Ibn Al Hanbali said, "The resignation is the reliance heart the truth to Allah Ta'ala in obtaining kemashlahatan and avert danger, both this world and the hereafter affairs as a whole. "Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al Asqolani said," the resignation of looked away for various reasons after reasons prepared. "
Getting the Good and Avoid Damage
Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The resignation is the most important factor that can keep a person when no power from other creatures attack an oppressive and hostile. Resignation is the most powerful tool for dealing with such a situation, because he has made God a patron or a given adequacy. If anyone makes God as a protector and that gave him sufficient, then the enemy would not be able to bring harm to her. "(Al-Fawa'id Bada'i 2/268)
The best evidence is a real incident, Imam Al-Bukhari recorded in his book shohih, from Ibn Abbas rodhiyAllahu anhuma friend, that when the Prophet Abraham was thrown into the midst of fire he said, "wa HasbunAllahu ni'mal wakiil." ( Suffice God being our helper, and Allah is the best of protectors). These words precisely expressed by RosulullohShollAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam when it is said to him, Verily the polytheists had planned to fight you, so beware thou against them. "(Reported by Al-Bukhari in the chapter Tafsir. See Fathul Bari VIII/77)
Ibn Abbas said, "The last words spoken by the Prophet Abraham when he was thrown into the embers of the fire is: 'Allah suffices as our helper and protector of God as best.'" (Narrated by Bukhari)
Is The Key To God's sole trust Rizki
Rosululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Indeed, if you sole trust in God with truth, surely you will be given a fortune as the birds. They left early in the morning in a state of hunger, and go home early evening in a state of satiety. "(Narrated by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, al-Hakim)
In this noble hadith Rosululloh explained that the sole trust in God with truth, he would have given a fortune. How not, because he has sole trust the Essence of the Almighty Living who never dies. Abu Hatim Ar Razy said, "This hadith is a milestone resignation. Resignation to God that's the biggest factor in finding riqzi. "Therefore, whoever sole trust in Him, surely Allaah be inadequate. Allah says which means, "And whoever sole trust in Allah, Allah will suffice (the need) it. Verily Allah implement affair (which pleases). Allah has appointed a measure for all things. "(Ath-THALAQ: 3). Ar Rabi 'bin Khutsaim said about the verse, "That insufficiency of everything that makes a narrow man."
Resignation not Mean Not Trying
Brought resignation does not mean negating the effort. Allah commands His servants to try once sole trust. Trying with all limbs and sole trust with your heart is a manifestation of faith in Allah Almighty.
Some people may have a saying, "If people are sole trust in God it will be good luck, so why should we tired, try and make a living. Did not we just sit down and laze around, then good luck we came out of the sky? "The words that really show people's ignorance about the nature of resignation. Our noble Prophet had likening the sole trust and good luck with the birds that went in the morning to seek fortune and came home in the afternoon, but the birds did not have any rest, good trade, farms, factories or job. He came out armed with resignation to God Almighty as a dependent.
The scholars, may Allah reward them with the best of both goodness-this issue has warned. Among them was Imam Ahmad, he said: "In this hadith there is no hint that allowed leave the business, instead in it was looking for cues that indicate the need for fortune. So the purpose of the Hadith, that if their sole trust in God in the travel, and the arrival of their business, and they know that good (good luck) is in His hand, it would never return except in circumstances to get the treasures safely, as these birds. "(Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 7/8)
Imam Ahmad was asked about a man who just sits at home or in the mosque and said, "I do not want to work at all, until rizkiku come alone". Then he commented, "He is a man who does not know the science. It ShollAllahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam has said: "Verily Allah has made rizkiku in the shadow of my war spear (read: ghonimah)'. And he also said, 'If it were your sole trust in God with truth, Allah will give you good luck as it gives to the birds. They left early in the morning in a state of hunger and return late afternoon in a state of satiety. '(Hasan Saheeh. HR.Tirmidzi). Furthermore, Imam Ahmad said, "The friends also trades and work with managing its date trees. And they are the ones our example. "(Fathul Bari, 11/305-306)
If we want to contemplate then we can say that the influence of resignation it looks in motion and effort a person while working to achieve their goals. Imam Abul Qasim al-Qushayri said, "Know resignation was actually located in the heart. The outward motion so it does not conflict with the resignation is in the heart after a person believes that the fortune that comes from God. If there is trouble, it is because of his destiny. And if there is then it is easy because of the ease of Him. "(Murqatul Mafatih, 5/157)
Among the shows that resignation to God does not mean leaving the business is a hadith. Someone said to the Prophet ShollAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "I let my camel, and (then) I sole trust?" The Prophet said, "Tie then put thy trust in Allah." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Al-Albani in Saheeh dihasankan Jami'ush Shoghir). In the history of Imam Al-Qudha'i stated that Amr bin Umayyad radi 'anhu said, "I asked,' O Rosululloh!! Do I tie the camel first and then I tungganganku sole trust in God, or do I just disconnect and I sole trust? ', He replied, "Tie your camel and then put thy trust in Allah." (Musnad ash-Shihab, Qayyidha wa resignation, no. 633, 1 / 368)
Resignation did not mean to leave the business. Every Muslim should be sincere and try to earn a living. It's just that he should not rely on fatigue, hard work and effort, but he had to believe that everything is God's business, and that fortune is only from Him alone.
People Inter religious Tolerance
We are often asked, what is tolerance and where it
came from?. And what is the urgency of tolerance for the future of mankind?.
These questions will at least make us understand about the importance of
tolerance. Tolerance is not just the mere discourse.
According to the General Dictionary Indonesian,
tolerance comes from the word "tolerance" itself means to be or to be
tolerated (respect, allow, permit) and different or opposed to its founding.
Tolerance also means measuring limit for the addition or subtraction are still
In Arabic, the tolerance called "Tasamuh"
which means the attitude of allowing, gracefully (samuha-yasmuhu-Samhan,
wasimaahan, wasamaahatan) means: generous, like charity (dictionary Al Munawir
Religion is a fundamental element of life and human
life, therefore, freedom of religion [and no religion, and religious
conversion] must be respected and guaranteed. The expression freedom of
religion gives a broad sense that includes building a house of worship and
assembly, worship; established social institutions; publications, and contact
with individuals and institutions in matters of religion at the national or
international level.
Freedom of religion, makes a person able to
eliminate discrimination based on religion; violation of the right to religion;
coercion that would interfere with the freedom of a person to have a religion
or belief. Included in the daily social interaction, which indicates mutual
understanding, tolerance, friendship with everyone, peace and universal brotherhood,
respect for freedom, trust and confidence of the other and full awareness that
religion is given to serve his followers. Thus, tolerance (Tasamuh) religion is
respect with patience, respect for one's faith or beliefs or any other group.
Including Islam. Islam teaches the importance of
tolerance. Prophet Muhammad SAW. teach Islam as a religion of love and
rejection of violence that can lead to conflict. The Prophet also protect
religious minorities in implementing appropriate convictions. K.H. Abdurrahman
Wahid (Gus Dur) has said that the Prophet Muhammad was once asked three
Christian pastor who came from Najran (eastern province in Saudi Arabia) to
worship according to their religion in mosques. Have also been told on one day
there were people urinating in the Arabian hinterland mosque of the Prophet in
Medina. Obviously the Companions angry and wanted to hit the guy. However, the
Prophet Muhammad to prevent it, and then told the companions 'community
service' flush and clean the urine of men do not know that courtesy. (Bukhari
from Abu Hurairah). According to Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, author of the book Fath
al-Bari, history clearly shows tolerance and magnanimity Prophet attitude.
Another example of Islam's treatment of non-Muslims
is the generosity shown by Salahuddin al-Ayyubi in the year 1188 AD when he
managed to retake Jerusalem from the crusaders. When Salahuddin arrived he saw
the Crusaders were littering mosques with pigs in it saving. Even European
historians also recognize that Salahuddin was not revenge, but rather give
forgiveness to the Crusaders, with the exception of a few individuals who are
sadistic and cruel act.
Once again the difference or pluralism is the
largest and most beautiful gift of God Almighty to us. Similarly, tolerance,
"Toleration is the greatest gift of the mind, ... - Tolerance is a gift of
the mind of the most remarkable," said Helen Keller. And understanding
that is open to the Other that is known as tolerance. "Tolerance means I
will not throw you out of my community, I will not stop interacting with you
even if you are different, I will not forbid you to be my neighbor," as
John E. Esposito described.
Importance of Inter-Religious Harmony
According to Prof. Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri (UI
Rector of Jakarta), the mode of human relations on this earth there are only
two: Conflict and Harmony. Conflicts driven by both individual and group egoism
that leads to a reluctance to engage in dialogue. With the characteristic that
egoism then this behavior will dwarf the humanity and make a static culture.
Individuals or groups being mutually exclusive so can not see the human side of
another individual or group. Others will simply labeled as "enemies"
who must be aware of and if necessary destroyed. While harmony, instead, work
with the reciprocal relationship between individuals or groups based on
tolerance, confidence and self-esteem.
That way Peace will only happen when all sorts of
conflict either Ideology, Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(IPOLEKSOSBUD) that leads to the disintegration of inter-religious harmony
minimized as early as possible to later on Disable. That way people are
expected to create harmony. At the end of the harmony will bear harmonization
of tolerance and peace can be realized.
Tolerance and inter-religious harmony are like two
sides of a coin that can not be separated from one another. Harmony impact on
tolerance, or reverse tolerance produces harmony, both concerning the
relationship between human beings. If the tri harmony [between faiths, people
of the same religion intern, and religious people with the government] woke up
and applied to the life and daily life, it would appear to moderation and
tolerance. Alternatively, if the inter-faith tolerance are good and true, it
will produce a harmonious society together.
Tolerance among religions should be reflected in the
actions or deeds that show people respect, honor, help, love, and others. This
includes respect for the religion and faith of others, respecting worship
carried on by others; does not destroy places of worship; does not insult the
teachings of other religions, as well as provide an opportunity to carry out
religious worship. In addition, the religions will be able to serve a religious
mission and run properly so creating harmonious atmosphere in your life and the
life of society and the nation. If everyone is running their own religion with
the truth, then it will surely bring forth peace, tranquility of life and
healthy social cooperation.
Tolerance and pluralism do not need to be treated as
a threat to faith, because everyone has their own preference. As the clothes I
wear, not necessarily comfortably worn by someone else. Preach to non-Muslims
in this formulation, is no longer synonymous with converting their faith, but
they invite enough healthy social cooperation. This tolerance is right and
healthy, which should be used as a reference by the preachers and preaching
clerics in the archipelago. On top of all the differences, the spirit of
tolerance we will benefit a much larger and the ability to increase our worth
as human beings with intelligence and conscience.
Understanding Drama and its elements
section will explain some basic terms and terminologies are concerned with
literary drama and technical skills of reading literary texts of this kind.
will be discussed about the anatomy of literary drama, plot or storyline,
Aristotelian dramatic structure, character story or the characters, the
language, ideas or themes, and encouragement or motivation.
of Dramatic Literature
not all, but most of the drama texts divided in half. A round in the play is
part of a play that encapsulates all the events going on in one place at a
certain time sequence.
round usually divided again in scenes. A scene is part of a round the limits
prescribed by the turn of events since the arrival or departure of one or more
characters to the stage.
very important part and outwardly distinguishes literary fiction drama of
another kind is dialogue. Dialogue is part of the play in the form of a
conversation between one character to another. Once pentinya position in the
literary drama dialogue, so without him, a literary work can not be classified
into a literary drama.
the drama of literary texts have other parts that rarely absent, ie author
instructions. Hint author is part of the script to explain to the reader or
crews staging-as director, actor, and artist-about the state of the art,
atmosphere, event or actions, and the nature of characters.
is the prologue of the manuscript, but not all have the prologue script. Prolog
is a part of the script written by authors at the beginning. Basically the
prologue is an introductory text that can contain one or more statements or
opinions of the author of the story that will be presented.
there is also a prologue epilogue. Epilogue typically contains author
conclusions about the story; conclusions sometimes accompanied by counsel or
is another part of a play. Soliloquy is a convention, which is an accepted
thing that the reader or viewer as a reasonable within the framework of
literary drama.
is part of the play is spoken by one of the characters and is shown directly to
the audience with an understanding that there are other characters on stage do
not hear.
or Plot
plot or storyline is a series of events connected with each other causation. A
playwright formulate a plot to achieve several goals, which include terpanting
to express ideas. In addition it also has the function of capturing plot,
guide, and direct the attention of the reader or the audience. Although the
messages to be delivered in a drama is a valuable message, if the audience does
not feel attracted to works that were created, the ideas or the message will
not reach the target. Tasks carried attract readers or viewers by using the
plot elements.
(suspense) is the first element of the plot. Plot both will cause a strain on
the reader or the audience through kemamuannya to cultivate and nurture
curiosity and kepenasaran audience from start to finish.
second element is a surprise (surprise). Author of good will develop the story
in such a way that the allegations reader or audience is always wrong and turn
events toward another unexpected and even shocking.
irony can form statements or acts of characters that seemed to predict what
will happen next. The irony is created so as not to interfere with the loss of
the element of suspense and surprise. In contrast, dramatic irony precisely to
support the other two elements. Dramatic irony will lead readers and viewers
more curious on the one hand, on the other hand will reinforce the impression
that ensued impromptu events were associated closely with what happened before.
Dramatic Structure
dramatic structure to maintain the continuity of the law of cause and effect
from the beginning to the end of the story. In the conventional stories,
dramatic structure dramatic structure employed is Aristotle. (384-322 BC) from
the works of Sophocles (495-406 BC).
structure is a union of the parts, that if one of the parts altered or tampered
with, or corrupted will change the whole structure. As for the parts that are
exposition, complication, climax, resolution and conclusion.
exposition is the beginning or the opening of a literary drama. Complications
or penggawatan a continuation of the exposition and the increase thereof. In
this section, one of the characters started to take the initiative to achieve
certain goals. However, the results of the initiative is uncertain. Thus arises
the premises gravity.
disusl climax, the next part of the dramatic structure of Aristotle. In this
section the parties opposing or conflicting, opposite to do the calculation
that determines the last. Resolution following the climax. In this section all
the problems posed by the initiative of leaders.
last part is the conclusion. In this section the fate-the fate of the
characters is definitely the plot and storyline, as well as expands physiology
(function) to express the author's thoughts and attract and maintain the
attention of the reader or the audience, as well as express and develop the
character of the characters.
figures or characters
story is presented in a drama totkoh figures are generally in the form of
humans, other animals or other creatures. Thus it can be said that the
characters are people who take part and experience the events or any of the
events described in daam plot.
nature and position of the characters in a wide variety of literary drama.
There's that are important (major) and some are classified within the category
is not important (minor). There are domiciled as the protagonist, the character
first initiative and thus act as a driver of the story. The protagonist is a
character who first got in trouble and faced with kesukara-distress. Usually
her readers empathize.
protagonist is an antagonist, the role as a barrier and a problem for the
protagonist. Another character is a confidant, that figure or figures that
mediates the confidence of both the protagonist or the antagonist so that they
can speak up on stage, and therefore more opportunities for readers or viewers
to get to know the character and intentions of the characters with better.
character of the leaders is not only a driving force for the event, but also an
element that causes the gravity of the problems that arise in these events.
Behavior and words of the characters that will undoubtedly arouse concern and
lead the reader or audience sensitive to understand, appreciate, and the author
concludes thoughts.
element plays a very important language. in relation to the plot, language has
several roles. Language also move the plot and storyline. Language also
explains the background and atmosphere of the story. Through the language
spoken by the characters or the author instructions, we know about the place,
time or times and circumstances in which the story took place.
also create important role in the story. Language is very important to do with
the character. In addition to the actions, the nature of the characters
portrayed by what he said or what was said by another character about him that
language plays a major role in expressing the ideas of the author. Even if the
figures do not reveal the author's thoughts directly, the reader or the
audience will conclude the ideas was mainly through the language works
alongside the characters.
Fruit or themes
an artist belonging to the group of the so-called intellectuals, it means that
as a member of society he is always alert and pay attention to what is going on
around him. A dramatist or playwright must first find the problem, meaning he
saw the gap between reality (das Sein) and expectations (das sollen).
of the ideas in literary drama which consists of issues, opinions, and the
author's message is direct and intuitive scrutiny by the reader or audience is
good. Fruit minds is the final destination to be revealed by the plot,
characters, and language. Therefore, the notion just a guideline and the
unifying elements of other drama.
or Motivation
element that is not less important than the other elements is a motivation.
Motivation is the element that determines both the act and the conversation
(dialogue) spoken by the characters, especially the main character or
protagonist. If you want to understand, appreciate, and enjoy literary works of
drama, should be attempted as soon as possible to capture the main motivation
in the work.
Steps relationship with Dramatic Elements.
first step in the appreciation of the drama is the involvement of the soul,
which is an event when the reader or audience listening to thoughts and
feelings of the author in relation to the problems encountered in his life.
second step in the appreciation of the drama is the ability of the reader or
the audience to see the connection logic (logical) between the movements of
thoughts, feelings, and imagination with drama elements contained in the work.
In the second step initermasuk appreciation of drama as well as expressing the
thoughts playwright.
third step in the appreciation of works of drama is achieved when the reader or
audience memasalahkan and find or not find an association (relevance) between
the ideas of the author with personal experience and the experience of
community life in general. In this level, the reader or viewer to establish
whether the playwright's ideas is useful, both for themselves and for society.
Indonesian Government System
the world of state administration, has made a rule that would set up a wide
range of survival or the course of a country's government in improving the
functioning of the country. It can be obtained by making the system of
government. Khusussnya Indonesian government system. Thus an independent state
should have a rule or system of government that will regulate the
sustainability of a country's citizens in making prosperous members. From this
can explain what it is that the purpose of the system and what is the mean by
the government. The system has a meaning that is a whole consisting of several
parts that have a functional relationship. While the Government in the broad
sense is the government / state institutions are doing everything good government
as the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.
systems can be grouped into a few below:
system of government
system of government in which the head of government held by the president and
the government is not accountable to parliament (legislative). Minister
responsible to the president because the president serves as head of state and
head of government.
Country: USA, Pakistan, Argentina, the Philippines, Indonesia.
characteristics of the Presidential system of government:
Presidential Government is based on the principle of separation of powers.
The Executive does not have the power to blend with the Legislature.
The Cabinet is responsible to the president.
executive elected by popular vote.
system of government
a system of government in which the government (executive) is responsible to
parliament. In this system of government, the parliament has a great power and
has the authority to conduct oversight of the executive. Ministers and the
prime minister is responsible to parliament.
of countries: United Kingdom, the Netherlands, India, Australia, Malaysia.
characteristics and conditions of the Parliamentary system of government:
Parliamentary Government is based on the principle of division of powers.
There is a mutual responsibility between the legislative and executive, and
between the president and the cabinet.
Executives appointed by the government with legislative approval.
government system
system of government is taken the best things of the presidential system of
government and the system of Parliamentary government. Besides having a
president as head of state, the prime minister also has the head of government.
Country: France.
implementation period of the State Government System in Indonesia
Year 1945 - 1949
deviation from the provisions of the Constitution of '45, among others:
the function of the central committee of the Indonesian national presidential
aide assigned to the legislative body and helps to define who is the authority
of the Assembly Guidelines.
the presidential system into a parliamentary cabinet cabinet proposal by BP -
Year 1949 - 1950
is based on the constitution. Government that applied when it was a
parliamentary cabinet system pseudo (Quasy Parlementary). Governance system
adopted in the constitution of a parliamentary cabinet RIS is not purely
because of the pure parliamentary system, Parliament has a crucial position
against government power.
Year 1950 - 1959
is the Constitution constitutional successor RIS '50 '49. Governance system
adopted is a parliamentary cabinet with liberal democracy that is still apparent.
and vice president can not be contested.
responsible for government policy.
the right to dissolve parliament.
Minister appointed by the President.
Years 1959 - 1966 (Guided Democracy)
President has absolute power and maketh a tool to eliminate the powers that
prevent that fate is determined by the president of the political party (10
recognized political parties). There is no freedom of speech.
Year 1966 - 1998
New Order was born with a determination to make corrections guided the era of
the old order. But over time many deviations. Suharto's resignation on May 21,
In 1998 - Present (Reform)
of Pancasila democracy in the reform era has provided the space for the
political parties and the Parliament to oversee the government critically and
justified for a rally.
System in accordance with the Constitution before it was amended '45:
The highest authority is given to the people of the MPR.
Parliament as a legislator.
The President as a government administrator.
DPA as a giver of advice to the government.
MA as the courts and the testing rules.
CPC financial auditors.
System after amendment (1999 - 2002)
MPR no longer the highest institution.
Composition of the Assembly consists of all members of the House of
Representatives plus the Council elected by the people.
The President and Vice President are elected directly by the people.
The President can not dissolve Parliament.
Legislative power is dominant.
SisPem Comparison with Other Countries SisPem
on the explanation of '45 Constitution, Indonesia adopts Presidensia. But in
practice many elements of Parliamentary Government System. So we can say
Indonesian Government System is a combination of Presidential and
Indonesian Government System
The President and ministers during his tenure can not be dropped Parliament.
The government had time to run the program with no shadow cabinet crisis.
The President can not enforce and or dissolve Parliament.
Government System Weakness
There is a tendency too strong authority and the concentration of power in the
hands of the President.
Often the change of officials for their rights perogatif president.
Supervision of the people against the government less influential.
The influence of people's political wisdom received less attention.
Governance System Indonesia and Malaysia Government System
Executive Board
The Executive Board is the Prime Minister of Malaysia as a driver of state
Executive Board President of Indonesia lies in having two positions as head of
state and head of government.
In Malaysia, there are 2 Main Board of the agency regulations that the State
Council and the Council that perannyan make laws.
In Indonesia, in the hands of Parliament whose role is to make laws with the
consent of the President.
Definition of Musical Arts
word in the English language arts called art. The word art comes from the Latin
ars, which means skill / intelligence. Then a broad sense of the word art, not
just on certain areas. Definition of art includes all human creations such as
poetry, drama, music, dance, sculpture, carving, wake up, paint and much more.
is the creation and vibration in the human soul that can lead to feelings of
love or grief in a person. One contains the value of artistic creations if they
meet several requirements, such as smoothness and beauty. Art is all the result
of human creativity which contains the value of art. Artist is an artistic
person and can create art.
of Art
can be divided into three branches, namely the art of sound, movement and
visual arts art. Sound art is divided into 2 parts literary and musical arts.
Literary arts includes prose and poetry. Art Art music includes songs (vocals)
and instrumental art.
has been around since before our era. Remains of ancient Egyptian history
giving evidence. In the stone reliefs of ancient Egypt there are paintings of
musical instruments. In the Gospel of "Genesis" is also written about
music. Music continues to grow until today as the advancement of culture and
of music knows no boundaries. The deeper we study the music, the feel is still
very much a problem that we must learn.
is a statement that expressed the human heart's content in the form of a regular
sound with melody and rhythm, as well as having elements of a beautiful
to the form of music can be divided into 3 types
music sung by a human voice
music sung with musical instruments only
a combination of human voice (vocal) with instrumental music being played
service is one kind of a letter and indicated for the benefit of both official
agencies, governments and agencies to identify the author swasta.Beberapa
official letter by letter. The reason is that official letter is always written
in the format and use of official languages. It is true, that in the writing
department there are some rules that need to be met in formal writing.
the description above, it can be seen that the official letter has the
following characteristics:
Issued by an agency or office, whether state-owned or private
Contains official interests, organizational;
Prepared a variety of official languages
The letterhead
Number letters
Date of letter
This letter or subject
Address the letter
Salam cover
Status / position, signatures, clear name
High Jump
jump is one of the sports that the motion leap to achieve the highest leap.
Field size equal to the long jump,
pole crossbar min 2.5 meters, length of 3:15 m crossbar.
in the high jump
styles can be distinguished leap into 4 stages:
prefix, the movement ran to the bar
rejection, leg movements rested on the floor to raise the body
Drift, style and position of the body when it is in the air and over the bar.
landing, the fall of the body on the mat.
High jump there are some styles that do, as follows:
. Styles Scissors (Scissors)
Style Sweney scissors can be said, because at an earlier time (ago) is still
used style squat. Precisely in 1880, then in 1896 sweny change from style to
style scissor squat. Replaced by less ekonomis.Cara do: The jumper took the
prefix of the center. When the jumper when to jump, use left foot pedestal
(when swing right leg), he landed (crashed) with longer legs. Time in the air
body turned to the right, landing with the left foot, the body facing the back
where the prefix earlier.
. Styles Bolster side (Western Roll)
the same style scissor style, which left footstool fall again and left leg when
the right leg jatuhnyapun right leg just different prefix, not from the center
but from the side.
. Styles Guling (Straddle)
take the prefix from the side between 3, 5, 7, 9 Depending on the height of the
important steps when taking an odd step prefix.
on the left or right foot, then swing left foot / right fore. After swinging
leg over the bar quickly reversed the agency, to posture over the bar
telungkap. Buttocks try higher than his head, so head bowed.
the time of landing or the fall of the first hit is the right leg and right
hand if left-foot pedestal, then bergulingnya ie along the back of his hand and
ended up on the shoulder.
. Styles Fosbury Flop
to do it:
• prefix, must be done quickly and cornering / somewhat circular, to move to
the prefix guess - about 7-9 steps.
• rejection, repulsion foot for almost the same as the high jump lainya.Yakni,
be strong with the help of swing both hands to help lift the entire body. When
using the repulsion foot right foot, then the repulsion should be on the left
bar. At the same time refused to foot with both hands up beside his head, then
jumping on the agency to make a 180 degrees and do it together.
• posture over the bar, the bar above the supine posture with both legs hanging
limp, and chin slightly pulled up to his chest and back were over the bar with
a cross bow.
• How it landed, it landed on the foam rubber to size (5 x 5 meters with a
height of 60 cm) and covered with a mat on top of about 10-20 cm, and prtama
times that landed her back and the back of the head.
emphasis is on melakuakan jump, run at a pace that terkontol prefix. Avoid too
much backward body inclination. Achieve a quick movement at the time and
approached the bar opposite. Encourage the shoulder and upper arm during take
off. Back arches over the bar. Try lifting a perfect lap with a swinging leg
into the knee (free). Lift then straighten your legs immediately after making
the arch.
principle high jump
must necessarily jump to the next leg
must first jump everywhere she likes heights beginning
will jump mistaken void if the participant touched the crossbar and did not
jump. Dropped crossbar made the jump or touched during the landing when jumping
who failed to jump across bertutrut crossbar three times in a row (without
taking cedar guess where failure is applicable) be expelled than pertandinga
person eligible participants leap forward (although all other participants
failed) so he can not follow the rules anymore menuruskannya
height of the jump is measured from the cedar land uprise central portion
adjacent to the paddock.
Sprints are run at full speed all the distances that must be taken, or until a predetermined distance. Runners also called sprinter
Athletic Numbers
1. No. Run
-. Sprint 100, 200, 400 meters
-. Running secondary jaraj 800, 1500 meters
-. Distance running 5000, 10000 meters and marathon 42.195 km
technically use squat used the same start. the difference is only on the efficient use of energy, due to differences in the distance that must be taken. The further the distance that must be taken to be the more power is needed.
How to Start Squatting
Movement sprint is divided into three phases: star, motion sprint (sprint), finish the movement.
In this race, there are three ways star, is:
- Star standing (standing start)
- Star squat (crouching start)
- Start floating (flying start) made just for runners to II, III and IV in estapet run 4 x 100 m.
Start Technique
Attitudes start on cue willing
Watch!!! On cue willing runner toward the starting line to put the pivot foot on the starting block, put a strong foot in front. put your right hand behind the starting line.
The things that are important in the attitude of start:
1. The location of the hands slightly wider than shoulders, fingers and thumb to form an inverted V, shoulders thrust forward / slightly in front of the hand, arms straight.
2. Head so that the neck is not strained, eyes looking to track approximately 2m or outlook between the two arms overlooks the star.
3. Body relax / not rigid
4. Mind focused on the next cue.
5. Distance lies the leg of the line depends on the form of star attitude dipegunakan:
Bunch start / start squatting over short distances
The layout of the rear legs apart roughly 25-30 cm. rear toe is placed in line with the heel of the foot faces when in stance. Distance away from the line star of approximately: 45 cm front foot, back foot 70 cm, depending on the length of the leg.
Medium start / start squatting medium range
At the time of the attitude of kneeling, laying beside the rear knee toe front, star distance away from the line of the front foot about 37 cm, 85 cm belakng feet, depending on the length of the leg.
longated start / remote start squatting
At the time of the attitude of the knees, behind the knees lies alongside the back of the heel of the front foot, Agis star dai foot distance approx: 32 cm front legs, back legs 100 cm, depending on the length of each leg runners.
Movement on cue Ready
Lift your hips upward until sidikit higher than the shoulders, so the line back down the fore. More weight forward. keep up the balance of the next cue sound of a gun. Low head, neck remain relaxed (casual ONLY!), Sight lines toward the star at the bottom of the hand. Arms straight / elbows do not bend. At the time of lifting the hips accompanied by taking a deep breath. The most important concentration on gun sound / sound sound sempritan or other mutually agreed.
Movement when cue Yes or Sound Pistol
Swing your left arm forward and right arm back vigorously (arm movements must be in harmony with the motion of the foot). The left foot firmly refused to sometimes straight. step right foot as soon as possible, as low as possible to reach the ground in the first step. Weight loss should glide straight ahead, from changing attitudes kesikap squatting run, the weight should rise gradually indirect upright, avoid sideways movement. Steps to run more and more wide, six to nine first step merupak transition steps. Breathing normally, hold your breath means enforcing agency.
One thing that need attention before making a star is heating as well as possible, stimulate the joints and stretch muscles coupled with sprinting motion. This was done to prevent possible injury to the muscle.
Movement finish
There are several ways that can be done at the time the runners reached the finish.
Keep running without any changes. Skewed to the front of the chest, both arms swinging down the back, or in the Java language called ambyuk. Dada played with the swing arm to the front door so that the shoulders forward, commonly called The String.
Last 20 meters before the finish line Brazilians perjungan to achieve victory in the race, then you need to consider is the pace, do not look at your opponent, do not jump, and do not slow the pace before passing the finish line.
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