Jumat, 30 November 2012
Resignation is the lean sincerity to Allah Ta'ala for the benefit and prevent harm, both related to the affairs of this world and the hereafter. Allaah says which means, "And whoever pious to Allah, He will make for him a way out and give rizqi of the direction he thought no-thought, and whoever sole trust in Allah, then He is sufficient for him." (Ath Tholaq : 2-3)
Meaning sole trust To God
Many of the scholars who have explained the meaning of resignation, including the Al Allamah Al Munawi. He said, "The resignation is to show weakness and reliance (self) to the diTawakkali." (Faidhul Qadir, 5/311). Ibn 'Abbas said that the resignation meaningful radhiyAllahu'anhuma trust completely to Allah Ta'ala. Imam Ahmad said, "The resignation means deciding searches with desperation against the creature." Al-Hasan Al-Basri was asked about the resignation, so he replied, "Ridho to Allaah", Rojab Ibn Al Hanbali said, "The resignation is the reliance heart the truth to Allah Ta'ala in obtaining kemashlahatan and avert danger, both this world and the hereafter affairs as a whole. "Al Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al Asqolani said," the resignation of looked away for various reasons after reasons prepared. "
Getting the Good and Avoid Damage
Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The resignation is the most important factor that can keep a person when no power from other creatures attack an oppressive and hostile. Resignation is the most powerful tool for dealing with such a situation, because he has made God a patron or a given adequacy. If anyone makes God as a protector and that gave him sufficient, then the enemy would not be able to bring harm to her. "(Al-Fawa'id Bada'i 2/268)
The best evidence is a real incident, Imam Al-Bukhari recorded in his book shohih, from Ibn Abbas rodhiyAllahu anhuma friend, that when the Prophet Abraham was thrown into the midst of fire he said, "wa HasbunAllahu ni'mal wakiil." ( Suffice God being our helper, and Allah is the best of protectors). These words precisely expressed by RosulullohShollAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam when it is said to him, Verily the polytheists had planned to fight you, so beware thou against them. "(Reported by Al-Bukhari in the chapter Tafsir. See Fathul Bari VIII/77)
Ibn Abbas said, "The last words spoken by the Prophet Abraham when he was thrown into the embers of the fire is: 'Allah suffices as our helper and protector of God as best.'" (Narrated by Bukhari)
Is The Key To God's sole trust Rizki
Rosululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Indeed, if you sole trust in God with truth, surely you will be given a fortune as the birds. They left early in the morning in a state of hunger, and go home early evening in a state of satiety. "(Narrated by Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, al-Hakim)
In this noble hadith Rosululloh explained that the sole trust in God with truth, he would have given a fortune. How not, because he has sole trust the Essence of the Almighty Living who never dies. Abu Hatim Ar Razy said, "This hadith is a milestone resignation. Resignation to God that's the biggest factor in finding riqzi. "Therefore, whoever sole trust in Him, surely Allaah be inadequate. Allah says which means, "And whoever sole trust in Allah, Allah will suffice (the need) it. Verily Allah implement affair (which pleases). Allah has appointed a measure for all things. "(Ath-THALAQ: 3). Ar Rabi 'bin Khutsaim said about the verse, "That insufficiency of everything that makes a narrow man."
Resignation not Mean Not Trying
Brought resignation does not mean negating the effort. Allah commands His servants to try once sole trust. Trying with all limbs and sole trust with your heart is a manifestation of faith in Allah Almighty.
Some people may have a saying, "If people are sole trust in God it will be good luck, so why should we tired, try and make a living. Did not we just sit down and laze around, then good luck we came out of the sky? "The words that really show people's ignorance about the nature of resignation. Our noble Prophet had likening the sole trust and good luck with the birds that went in the morning to seek fortune and came home in the afternoon, but the birds did not have any rest, good trade, farms, factories or job. He came out armed with resignation to God Almighty as a dependent.
The scholars, may Allah reward them with the best of both goodness-this issue has warned. Among them was Imam Ahmad, he said: "In this hadith there is no hint that allowed leave the business, instead in it was looking for cues that indicate the need for fortune. So the purpose of the Hadith, that if their sole trust in God in the travel, and the arrival of their business, and they know that good (good luck) is in His hand, it would never return except in circumstances to get the treasures safely, as these birds. "(Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 7/8)
Imam Ahmad was asked about a man who just sits at home or in the mosque and said, "I do not want to work at all, until rizkiku come alone". Then he commented, "He is a man who does not know the science. It ShollAllahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam has said: "Verily Allah has made rizkiku in the shadow of my war spear (read: ghonimah)'. And he also said, 'If it were your sole trust in God with truth, Allah will give you good luck as it gives to the birds. They left early in the morning in a state of hunger and return late afternoon in a state of satiety. '(Hasan Saheeh. HR.Tirmidzi). Furthermore, Imam Ahmad said, "The friends also trades and work with managing its date trees. And they are the ones our example. "(Fathul Bari, 11/305-306)
If we want to contemplate then we can say that the influence of resignation it looks in motion and effort a person while working to achieve their goals. Imam Abul Qasim al-Qushayri said, "Know resignation was actually located in the heart. The outward motion so it does not conflict with the resignation is in the heart after a person believes that the fortune that comes from God. If there is trouble, it is because of his destiny. And if there is then it is easy because of the ease of Him. "(Murqatul Mafatih, 5/157)
Among the shows that resignation to God does not mean leaving the business is a hadith. Someone said to the Prophet ShollAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam, "I let my camel, and (then) I sole trust?" The Prophet said, "Tie then put thy trust in Allah." (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Al-Albani in Saheeh dihasankan Jami'ush Shoghir). In the history of Imam Al-Qudha'i stated that Amr bin Umayyad radi 'anhu said, "I asked,' O Rosululloh!! Do I tie the camel first and then I tungganganku sole trust in God, or do I just disconnect and I sole trust? ', He replied, "Tie your camel and then put thy trust in Allah." (Musnad ash-Shihab, Qayyidha wa resignation, no. 633, 1 / 368)
Resignation did not mean to leave the business. Every Muslim should be sincere and try to earn a living. It's just that he should not rely on fatigue, hard work and effort, but he had to believe that everything is God's business, and that fortune is only from Him alone.
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