Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Understanding Ablution / Wudu and Procedures Ablution - Islam

Understanding Ablution / Wudu and Procedures Ablution - Islam
Ablution is to purify ourselves of all small hadast accordance with Islamic Shari'a rules.
Intention Ablution:
I intend to remove hadats minor ablution as Allah Ta'ala.
Which can cancel your ablution:
a. secrete a substance from qubul (pubic) and rectum (anus). For example, urinating, defecating, flatulence / farting and others.
b. loss of consciousness either because of fainting, seizures, trance, crazy, drunk, and others.
c. Contact with the opposite sex non-married individuals without a lid.
d. sleep well, except the sleeping micro (micro sleep) while sitting without changing position.
How ablution:
a. read bismillah
b. wash hands
c. intention of ablution
d. rinse and tooth membesihkan (3x)
e. wash the face / face until smooth (between sea beard if any) (3x)
f. wash hands evenly hinnga elbow (3x the right first)
g. washing the front of the hair to the average (3x)
h. wash ears / ear hinnga evenly (3x right first)
i. washing the feet up to the ankles until smooth (3x right first)
j. read the prayer after ablution
Benefits of Ablution

Modern science has determined that those who diligently perform ablutions, they will always look clean, radiant and free of bacteria and germs. Has been examined through a microscope with collected bacteria on the people who are always ablution regularly as well in people who rarely ablution. What happens is that the people who always ablution body free of bacteria. Meanwhile, in contrast to the diligent ablution, the people who rarely ablution found numerous bacteria found in the body. Most of those there is a form of bacteria that clustered round and quite dangerous. Tersebuat bacteria is an organism that can also cause various diseases.

Moreover, with ablution can also keep us from harm poisoning. Why is that? Poisoning occurs because of the growth of harmful bacteria in the nostrils. From the nostrils, the bacteria enter the stomach and then the intestines, causing inflammation and a variety of diseases, especially coupled when the bacteria have entered the bloodstream. Therefore, Islam prescribed to perform istinsyaq (inhale / put water into the nostrils and pull back) three times each ablution. As for Sharia rinse his mouth, has proven that it can keep the mouth and pharynx (channel between the mouth and throat cavity) from a variety of inflammation, swelling of the gums and prevents tooth fragility. Therefore, rinse the mouth can remove food debris that may still plenty left in the mouth. Scientifically proven that 90% of people who have now finished their teeth, if they first pay attention to their oral hygiene, there will probably premature tooth loss.
If the mouth is not cleaned then the material that contains pus and the remains of rotting food in your mouth will mix with saliva and food. Stomach will suck and it will flow into the bloodstream. So that the blood will forward it to all members of the body that ultimately this will lead to the onset of disease.
Rinsing the mouth are also able to train the muscles so that the face will look younger. Exercises like this rarely gets the attention of sports teachers. They just focus on the muscles bigger. So many benefits that we get from our ablution activities. So, let us start from now to diligently perform ablutions followed by worship, so that in addition to health care, as well as increasing our acts of worship to Allah SWT. Amien ...

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