Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

Provisions of Islamic Law On sale Buy, Riba, and Economic Cooperation

Provisions of Islamic Law On sale Buy, Riba, and Economic Cooperation
A. sale
1. Pillars sale
a. Sellers and buyers
Terms of sellers and buyers, among others:
1. Akil (rational sehatr)
2. Baliq (adult)
3. Its sole
2. Items for sale or purchase
a. Objects that are sold or purchased in a state of purity, while the carcass may not be sold
b. There are benefits
c. Items may be submitted, not legally sell the goods can not be delivered to the buyer, such as fish in the sea and the birds in the air
d. Goods belonging sipenjual is represented or working on it.
3. Consent granted is a statement of the seller as I sell this item at a price so, kabul is saying buy as I bought this item at a price so.
B. Laws sale
- Permissible (allowed)
- Mandatory
- Haram, such as selling items to be used for immoral acts
- Sunnah
C. Buying and selling unauthorized by pillars or condition
a. Sell ​​males semen
b. Sell ​​a newly purchased item, before the goods are received
c. Selling fruit picked or harvested prematurely to worry about broken and decayed
D. Buying and selling valid but illicit
a. Buying goods at higher prices than the market price in order that others can not buy it
b. Buying goods purchased sedah ​​others, but still in the Khiar (opt)

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