Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

The scientific method

The scientific method
The scientific method is a step-by-step systematic and regularly used in the search for scientific truth penetahuan. The scientific method is necessary to conduct a study.
The research can be divided into two groups, namely:
1. Qualitative research is research carried out using the tool, senses without reference to standard measurement units. Data obtained from qualitative research in the form of descriptions or explanations about a situation or an event. For example, research on the structure of the hibiscus flower morphology. The data obtained form the following description:
Hibiscus flower is complete because it has a crown of flowers, petals, pistil and stamen. Red petals. Flowers such as trumpet shape.
2. Quantitative research is research conducted using measurement tools and standard units of measurement refers. The data obtained from quantitative research in the form of numbers / amounts. For example, research on the growth of hibiscus TAMANAN per day. The data can be in the following figure:
On Monday the length of rod (mm) 8, On Tuesday the length of rod (mm) 15, On Wednesday the length of rod (mm) 16, On Thursday the length of rod (mm) 5, On Friday the length of the stem (mm) 10, On Saturday the length of rod (mm) 7.

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